SCHRACK: Lighting Solutions 2015

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Vydal: Schrack Technik spol. s r.o. Autor: Schrack Technik

Strana 709 z 774

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Poznámky redaktora
Please find further power supply units the accessory range. Not suitable for general household illumination. Minimal bending radius: 1,3 cm. 10A max.] Description colour per Strip per per rendering Item no.709DECORATIVE LIGHTING LED STRIPS Recommended accessory: Feed-in set LI233011 Recomm.] Dimensions: Supply line cm. IP550,46 LED Power supply unit: 20W, 24V= LI470542 see page 729 Details the recommended connection [top] Recommended accessory: Clip connector/feed-in, pce. From consumption >28,8W the feed-in must renewed. accessory: Mounting clips 100 pcs. [application step profile] . LI211201 LED TUBELIGHT 24V= 20000 EEC= A 120° 24= Lamp LED Consumption LED distance LEDs LEDs Luminous flux Colour Length Width Height SeperabilityLamp LED Consumption LED distance LEDs LEDs Luminous flux Colour Length Width Height Seperability [incl., 12V= /24V= LI550560 see page 692 LED Tubelight 24V= [LI233002] Feed-in set [LI233011] Step profile [LI213302]LED Power supply 20W [LI470542] tube [LI211200] Connection example for max.] Description colour per Strip per per rendering Item no. Note: Plastics-coated LED strips with square diameter particular for application tube with step profile. LI233012 Recommended accessory: Step profile for tube 2m piece LI213302 Step profile: for tube 2m piece LI213302 Feed-in set: LI233011 Recommended accessory: Mounting clips for tube 10 pcs.[incl. No more than LED Tubelight must operated with one feed-in. LED LED Tubelight 3000K 14,4 2,8 360 104lm CRI>60 10,0 0,55 0,35 every 16,7LED LED Tubelight 3000K 14,4 2,8 360 104lm CRI>60 10,0 0,55 0,35 every 16,7 LI233002 Accessories/Included: LED Power supply unit [excl. LI233010 Recommended accessory: PC tube, piece, mm Inside dimensions: 0,8 0,8 cm LI211200 PC tube: 2m piece, mm Inside dimensions: 0,8 0,8 cm LI211200 Recommended accessory: Long connector IP55 10 pcs