SCHRACK: Lighting Solutions 2015

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Vydal: Schrack Technik spol. s r.o. Autor: Schrack Technik

Strana 707 z 774

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Poznámky redaktora
50W LI550419 FLEXLED ROLL RGB 24V= 20000 120° 24= Lamp LED Consumption LED distance LEDs LEDs Length Width Height Seperability WeightLamp LED Consumption LED distance LEDs LEDs Length Width Height Seperability Weight [incl. Details the recommended connection [top] LED Power supply unit: 60W, 24V= LI470506 see page 729 Connection example for max. When connecting several strips, please keep the total wattage mind.], back side equipped with adhesive tape.] Description colour per Strip per Item no. –30°C +40°C. Please find further power supply units the accessory range. Cannot extended. LED Power supply unit 100W, 24V= [LI470500] Easy LIM® Master control [LI470650] 2x FlexLED Roll RGB 24V= [LI552123] Connection example for max.[incl. 3x 33W, 12V=/24V= [LI470700] 2x FlexLED Roll RGB 24V= [LI552123] . LED FlexLED Roll RGB RGBLED FlexLED Roll RGB RGB 12 2,1 4848 48 1,0 1,5 0,2 every 12,51,5 0,2 every 12,5 0,04 LI552103 30 144 3,0 0,0730 144 3,0 0,07 LI552113 41 240 5,0 0,1041 240 5,0 0,10 LI552123 Accessories/Included: Power supply unit, Controller, Supply line [excl. 15 mm, max. 50W LI550418 Recommended accessory: Direct connector, pce. Note: Minimal bending radius: 3,75 cm, max. LED Power supply unit 60W, 24V= [LI470506] Easy LIM® Master control [LI470650] FlexLED Roll RGB 24V= [LI552123] Connection example for max. LED Power supply unit 36W, 24V= [LI470544] Easy LIM® Master control [LI470650] FlexLED Roll RGB 24V= [LI552113] Connection example for max. LED Power supply unit 100W, 24V= [LI470500] RGB LED Controller max. From length the feed-in must renewed.] Description colour per Strip per Item no.707DECORATIVE LIGHTING LED STRIPS LED Power supply unit: 100W, 24V= LI470500 see page 729 RGB LED Controller: 16,5W/channel, 12V= 33W/channel, 24V= LI470700 see page 726 LED Power supply unit: 36W, 24V= LI470544 see page 729 Recommended accessory: Feed-in with cable 15 mm, max. Not suitable for general household illumination