SCHRACK: Lighting Solutions 2015

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Vydal: Schrack Technik spol. s r.o. Autor: Schrack Technik

Strana 689 z 774

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Poznámky redaktora
Close-up Aluminium Profile . width 1,8 cm. 1,12 Recommended accessory: Connector, pce.Description Colour Item no. chrome LI213421 Suitable LED strips with max. Downunder Alu Profile 200,0 4,0 2,6 200,0 3,1 2,5Downunder Alu Profile 200,0 4,0 2,6 200,0 3,1 2,5 white LI213401 silver-grey LI213404 Material: Aluminium, Dimensions: Installation depth mounting spring 3,5 cm. [left and right] W/H/D: 1/4/2,6 cm white LI213411 alu anod.689DECORATIVE LIGHTING LED STRIP PROFILES Recommended accessory: End caps 2 pcs. Note: Downunder Alu Profile for installation flexible LED strips with max. LI213414 DOWNUNDER ALU PROFILE Recessed Length Width Height Installation Installation Installation HLength Width Height Installation Installation Installation H Description Colour Item no. chrome LI213422 Recommended accessory: Mounting spring, pcs. width 1,8 cm