SCHRACK: Lighting Solutions 2015

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Vydal: Schrack Technik spol. s r.o. Autor: Schrack Technik

Strana 689 z 774

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Poznámky redaktora
689DECORATIVE LIGHTING LED STRIP PROFILES Recommended accessory: End caps 2 pcs. [left and right] W/H/D: 1/4/2,6 cm white LI213411 alu anod. 1,12 Recommended accessory: Connector, pce. Note: Downunder Alu Profile for installation flexible LED strips with max. width 1,8 cm.Description Colour Item no. chrome LI213421 Suitable LED strips with max. chrome LI213422 Recommended accessory: Mounting spring, pcs. LI213414 DOWNUNDER ALU PROFILE Recessed Length Width Height Installation Installation Installation HLength Width Height Installation Installation Installation H Description Colour Item no. width 1,8 cm. Downunder Alu Profile 200,0 4,0 2,6 200,0 3,1 2,5Downunder Alu Profile 200,0 4,0 2,6 200,0 3,1 2,5 white LI213401 silver-grey LI213404 Material: Aluminium, Dimensions: Installation depth mounting spring 3,5 cm. Close-up Aluminium Profile