SCHRACK: Lighting Solutions 2015

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Vydal: Schrack Technik spol. s r.o. Autor: Schrack Technik

Strana 631 z 774

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Poznámky redaktora
: silver-grey LI230044 anthracite LI230045 1,55 IP54230~EEC= A–A+ 13 14 37 Recommended lamp: SMD LED 10W, dimmable 2700K, 806lm, EEC=A+ 10kWh/1000h LI560161 Recommended lamp: SMD LED 10W, dimmable 2700K, 806lm, EEC=A+ 10kWh/1000h LI560161 Recommended lamp: SMD LED 10W, dimmable 2700K, 806lm, EEC=A+ 10kWh/1000h LI560161 . We recommend the use switch- proof lamps like Philips-Stairway or LED lamps. Models: Item no.]: E27 TC(…)SE, 25W max.: white LI230641 silver-grey LI230644 anthracite LI230645 MERIDIAN 1,4 IP54230~EEC= A–A+ Motion detector not visible MERIDIAN BOX Socket/Lamp [excl. up max. up max.: silver-grey LI230084 anthracite LI230085 1,75 IP54230~EEC= A–A+ 13 14 37 Socket/Lamp [excl.] Note: Coverage angle: 180° Coverage distance: 1–5 m The ambience brightness and time period until activation can set.]: Material: Aluminium/PC Models: Item no.]: Material: Aluminium/PC Accessories/Included: Motion detector with technique [incl. Ø/L: 7/17,5 cm Lamp options [excl.]: E27 TC(…)SE, 25W max.]: E27 TC(…)SE, 25W max.]: Material: Aluminium/PC Dimensions: W/H/D: 13,5/37,5/14 cm Models: Item no. up max. length: 17,5 cm Lamp options [excl. Ø/L: 7/17,5 cm Lamp options [excl.631OUTDOOR WALL LIGHTS MERIDIAN BOX with motion detector Socket/Lamp [excl