SCHRACK: Lighting Solutions 2015

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Vydal: Schrack Technik spol. s r.o. Autor: Schrack Technik

Strana 567 z 774

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Poznámky redaktora
: stainless steel LI231622 BIG NAILS PLUS WALL LIGHT 0,96 IP44230~EEC= A–A+ 42 22,5 Ø Socket/Lamp [excl. up max.] Grid [excl.]: Material: Stainless steel 304/PC Dimensions: Distance wall: cm Accessories/Included: Screws [incl.: anthracite LI231195 GRAFIT TORCH 1,06 IP44230~EEC= A–A+ Stainless steel Stainless steel Satined shade smoked glass appearance Recommended accessory: Grid, stainless steel 304 Ø/H: 8/10 cm LI227952 020 019 020 Fitting without grid [not included in the delivery] Recommended lamp: SMD LED 4,7W, 3000K, 400lm, EEC=A+ 5kWh/1000h LI551532 Recommended lamp: SMD LED 4,7W, 3000K, 400lm, EEC=A+ 5kWh/1000h LI551532 Recommended lamp: 12W, 2700K, 741lm, EEC=A 12kWh/1000h LI509002 .]: Material: Aluminium/plastics Models: Item no.567OUTDOOR WALL LIGHTS Recommended accessory: For safe connection the lamp shaft. Ø/L: 4,8/13,9 cm Lamp options [excl.]: E27 TC(…)SE, 11W max. Connection box IP68, plastics, 3-pole, Ø/L: 2,7/11,5 cm LI228730 Ø 7,6 16 47 Socket/Lamp [excl. Ø/L: 6,8/12,2 cm Lamp options [excl.]: E27 TC(…)SE, 23W max. up max.] Models: Item no.]: E27 TC(…)SE, 11W max. Ø/L: 4,8/14,8 cm Lamp options [excl. up max.: stainless steel LI227942 TRUST WALL 1,3 IP55230~EEC= A–A+ 53,5 23 8,5 8,5 Socket/Lamp [excl.]: Material: Stainless steel 304/acrylic glass Models: Item no