Panasonic is part of a large worldwide groupselling relays and associated switching products under different brand names in different territories.The conditions of use in some territories may differ from those customary in Europe. In particular there are often major differences in regard to national and international specifications, such as UL, CSA, VDE, SEV, EVE, SEMKO, etc. Thus, when considering contact loads as stated in this catalogue (e.g. 10 A, 30 VDC for the SP relay) its hould be understood that these values are not necessarily an absolute maximum but tested ratings. Mostly the stated value has been tested for a certain life expectancy as stated by the manufacturer or the respective test house. Thus, under different conditions, the stated “maximum” may, in practice, be safely exceeded.
F tic ilin g
m id
u ltra e
re fre tio h
m stick. be
re rip rip le
fa . Soldering
M rin rfo d
u llo itio .
4. Coil connection
W tin ils, irin g
d tio r
m lfu tio .
H ith irc it
s ris tic lig tly
d iffe tin lta e
s lie re
th t/re e
t2 Within sec.
2 (in fra flo rin d
/ \
- ----------- 11------- —t2--
Ti 150 180C 302 356F
T2 230C 446F and higher
T3 Within 250C 482F
ti 120 sec.
3 g
C tio y
fre re
is 32°F. s
p tic le
p rts tio tim lags.
T rin rth rfo d
b rin .
T ris its ry
a tin e
h tin flo t.
T °F
to 572°F. For instructions soldering, see page 66.
T f
s rin rtio e
to rfa to
e tio rin g
c itio .
It e
te rise rtio r
a tin itio use.
It lic ts
be .
W tta W
S rin tim ith 5s
In tic rin e
fo llo itio d
1) itio rin re
Surface board where relay mounted.(ARA)
1. Humidity, %RH
|Tolerance range /X
(Avoid freezing _
when used -
temperatures lower
thanp°C 32°F
(Avoid //
condensation /
when used /
temperatures higher '
than 0°C 32°F
-~Y~* ■ZzjlZzjlZ^-Z^-ZzjlZzjlZzjlZzjl^-^
Temperature, °F
2 tio n
C tio a
s r
h ity
c itio tio ill e
d rio tio tio . External magnetic field
S itiv e
p riz ris tic ill
be ffe tro tic
fie t
co itio .
4 ity
e iro ts
T tic rittle is
e w
h ity iro rio f
tim .
(3 ric a
T ity r
u tra rt, :
5. Conditions for operation, transport
and storage conditions
1) ity d
a ric rin ,
tra rt, y:
(1 :
- °F
(2 ity H
(A fre tio .
16 61308 ra: 010611J
For complete “Cautions for Use”, please download the “Relay Technical
Information” from our Web site.)
T ity rie ith e
te ith e
in . Coil operating power
P rre lie e
coil. For
information reliability, see page 64