Panasonic is part of a large worldwide groupselling relays and associated switching products under different brand names in different territories.The conditions of use in some territories may differ from those customary in Europe. In particular there are often major differences in regard to national and international specifications, such as UL, CSA, VDE, SEV, EVE, SEMKO, etc. Thus, when considering contact loads as stated in this catalogue (e.g. 10 A, 30 VDC for the SP relay) its hould be understood that these values are not necessarily an absolute maximum but tested ratings. Mostly the stated value has been tested for a certain life expectancy as stated by the manufacturer or the respective test house. Thus, under different conditions, the stated “maximum” may, in practice, be safely exceeded.
0391.906 ■*
70 Longitudinal
R arks
1. When the board itself used connector
• e
c rtio in
th ill tiv .5mm .5to4.
T is
p lin e
b rte its t.0.1±. The hole diameter made 0.2 0.
Bevel radius (Care)
63B ds_x61_en_relay_technical_information_091112D
. The land diameter should times the hole diameter.1181.
C . Expansion and shrinkage copperclad laminates
m ith e
lo itu side.6.020inch larger than the lead diameter.047 3.039 ±0.Applications Relays Electronic Circuits
2.906 inch direction taken the longitudinal
* I50 5.
T tre e
lo itu ire tio r
th ire tio e
o iffe itu l
a ire tio ts
h fig tio be
fa ric ire tio e
c fig tio e
lo itu ire tio s
h tio be
E 'ple: shown the drawing below, the '
w ire be
Standard dimensions for hole and land diameter mminch
Standardholediameter Tolerance Landdiameter
Also, shown the drawing below, when the pattern
has connector section, the direction taken as
shown the arrow the longitudinal direction
4. However, if
the jet method (wave type, jet type) soldering used, because the fear solder passing through
to the component side, more suitable make the hole diameter equal the lead diameter
B a
lo itu ire tio e
m ric tio d
la ith e
e rin e
lo itu ire tio 5
to ,
a fte ric tio e
d rtio itu ire tio ill
be 1/2 ire tio .8.3 0.0.079to.031 2.5mm
0I2 020 inch
5.2mm.008 .0to3.
3.1771.2. not put more than lead one hole.
w ith lig tly tin tre .138to. Hole and land diameter rte ily rin le
T ill ild itio . When necessary use hand soldering for one part component after dip soldering has been done
B rro irc r
p tte ill t
th fro ith r.