RELAYS Panasonic

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Panasonic is part of a large worldwide groupselling relays and associated switching products under different brand names in different territories.The conditions of use in some territories may differ from those customary in Europe. In particular there are often major differences in regard to national and international specifications, such as UL, CSA, VDE, SEV, EVE, SEMKO, etc. Thus, when considering contact loads as stated in this catalogue (e.g. 10 A, 30 VDC for the SP relay) its hould be understood that these values are not necessarily an absolute maximum but tested ratings. Mostly the stated value has been tested for a certain life expectancy as stated by the manufacturer or the respective test house. Thus, under different conditions, the stated “maximum” may, in practice, be safely exceeded.

Vydal: Panasonic Electric Works Czech s.r.o. Autor: Panasonic

Strana 824 z 1090

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Poznámky redaktora
A lth tiv lly m iffic itc tiv e lo tio irc it w ill ris tic r re tiv s.Useacapacitor “c”withabreakdownvoltageof200to 300V. (G:Good,NG:NoGood,C:Conditional) Circuit Application AC Features/Others DevicesSelection CRcircuit Iftheloadisatimer,leakagecurrentflows throughtheCRcircuitcausingfaulty operation.Capacitor“c”actsto suppressthedischargethemomentthe contactsopen.Thiscircuitfurther delaysthereleasetimecomparedtothe CRcircuit.Effectivewhen connectedtobothcontactsifthepower supplyvoltageis24or48Vandthe voltageacrosstheloadis100to200V. *IfusedwithACvoltage,besurethe impedanceoftheloadissufficiently smallerthanthatoftheCRcircuit Iftheloadisarelayorsolenoid,the releasetimelengthens. Contact protection circuit tiv r p tio irc its e c te th rre ill e e ffe ct. Diodeand zenerdiode circuit NG Effectivewhenthereleasetimeinthe diodecircuitistoolong. Diodecircuit NG Thediodeconnectedinparallelcauses theenergystoredinthecoiltoflowtothe coilintheformofcurrentanddissipatesit asjouleheatattheresistancecomponent oftheinductiveload. Effectivewhenconnectedtobothcontacts ifthepowersupplyvoltageis24to48V andthevoltageacrosstheloadis100to 200V. Useazenerdiodewithazenervoltage aboutthesameasthepowersupply voltage. 622 ds_x61_en_relay_technical_information_091112D . • Mounting the protective device In irc it, to lo tiv , re ito ris e im ity t. If ffe tiv s o tiv s a ith in 5 . Contact Althoughextremelyeffectiveinarcsuppression asthecontactsopen,thecontactsare susceptibletoweldingsinceenergyisstoredin “C”whenthecontactsopenandshort-circuit currentflowsfrom“C”whenthecontactsclose.5to1pFper1Acontactcurrent r:0.General Application Guidelines a to c firm tio .UseACtypecapacitors(non­ polarized)forACcircuits. s itc ire in c irc its a h fre .Inelectroniccircuits wherethecircuitvoltagesarenotsohigh, adiodecanbeusedwithareverse breakdownvoltageofabout2to3times thepowersupplyvoltage. tio irc its a . • Abnormal corrosion during high frequency switching loads (spark generation) If, is s itc fre - g rro is o fro tio ith itro n a rc d rin g Contact Althoughextremelyeffectiveinarcsuppression asthecontactsopen,thecontactsare susceptibletoweldingsincechargingcurrent flowsto“C”whenthecontactsclose. Contact G Contact Contact G Contact G Contact G G • tio irc its n in fig righ t.Resistor“r”actstolimitthe currentwhenthepoweristurnedonthe nexttime.5to1Qper1Vcontactvoltage Valuesvarydependingontheproperties oftheloadandvariationsinrelay characteristics. Asaguideinselectingcandr, c:0.Testtoconfirm.Thiscircuit alsoslightlydelaysthereleasetime.(2to5timesthereleasetime listedinthecatalog) Useadiodewithareversebreakdown voltageatleast10timesthecircuitvoltage andaforwardcurrentatleastaslargeas theloadcurrent. Varistorcircuit Varistor / Usingthestablevoltagecharacteristicsof thevaristor,thiscircuitprevents excessivelyhighvoltagesfrombeing appliedacrossthecontacts