RELAYS Panasonic

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Panasonic is part of a large worldwide groupselling relays and associated switching products under different brand names in different territories.The conditions of use in some territories may differ from those customary in Europe. In particular there are often major differences in regard to national and international specifications, such as UL, CSA, VDE, SEV, EVE, SEMKO, etc. Thus, when considering contact loads as stated in this catalogue (e.g. 10 A, 30 VDC for the SP relay) its hould be understood that these values are not necessarily an absolute maximum but tested ratings. Mostly the stated value has been tested for a certain life expectancy as stated by the manufacturer or the respective test house. Thus, under different conditions, the stated “maximum” may, in practice, be safely exceeded.

Vydal: Panasonic Electric Works Czech s.r.o. Autor: Panasonic

Strana 539 z 1090

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Poznámky redaktora
5g. Referto“6. (Detectioncurrent: 10mA) Surgebreakdownvoltage (Betweencontact andcoil)”2 6,000V(initial) Temperaturerise(at20°C68°F) Max.O. 8ms (Nominal coil voltageappliedtothecoil, excludingcontact bouncetime. AC15andDC13complywithIEC-60947-5-1testingconditions. Ambient temperature Testedsample:APF30224, characteristics 6pcs.: Min.18oz *1Thisvaluecanchangeduetotheswitchingfrequency,environmentalconditions,anddesiredreliabilitylevel,thereforeitisrecommendedtocheckthiswiththeactualload. *2Waveisstandardshockvoltageof±1.5mm Expectedlife Mechanical Min. 45°C113°F (Byresistivemethod, nominal coil voltageappliedtothecoil; contact carryingcurrent: 6A.H.) Releasetime(at20°C68°F) Max. 2.) Vibrationresistance Functional 10to55Hzatdoubleamplitudeof 1mm(Detectiontime: 10|as. Breakdownvoltage (Initial) Betweenopencontacts 1,000Vrmsfor 1min. Usage, StorageandTransport Conditions”inAMBIENTENVIRONMENT(page626).7. andnominal switchingcapacity) N.C. switchingpower(resistiveload) 1,500VA Max. Max. 4ms (Nominal coilvoltageappliedtothecoil, excludingcontact bouncetime. switchingcapacity(Referencevalue)”1 100mA5VDC(withoutAu-plated), 1mA1VDC(withAu-plated) Electrical characteristics Insulationresistance(Initial) Min. 1,000MQ(at500VDC) Measurement atsamelocationas“Initial breakdownvoltage”section.O. 5x104,N. Coil temperature rise Testedsample:APF30224 Measuredportion: Insidethecoil Ambienttemperature: 28°C82°F 4. ofops. Electrical life Testedsample:APF30224 Loadtype Voltage Current Ambienttemperature No. 100mQ(Byvoltagedrop6VDC1A) Contact material AgNi type, AgNitype/Au-plated Rating Nominal switchingcapacity(resistiveload) 6A250VAC Max. 980m/s2(Half-wavepulseofsinewave: 11ms. 3x104 (at resistiveload, 6times/min.) Electrical*3 N. 2.: Min.O. REFERENCE DATA 1. Specifications Characteristic Item Specifications Contact Arrangement 1FormA 1FormC Contact resistance(Initial) Max.: Min. 98m/s2 (Half-wavepulseofsinewave: 11ms; detectiontime: 10|as) Min.7.) Operatetime(at20°C68°F) Max.2x50p,saccordingtoJEC-212-1981 *3Forcyclelifetime, referto“CautionsforUse4)”inNOTES(page338) *4Theupperoperationambienttemperaturelimit isthemaximumtemperaturethat cansatisfythecoil temperaturerisevalue. (Detectioncurrent: 10mA) Betweencontact andcoil 4,000Vrmsfor 1min. switchingcurrent 6A(AC) Nominal operatingpower 170mW(5to24VDC), 217mW(48VDC), 175mW(60VDC) Min. andnominal switchingcapacity) Conditions Conditionsforoperation, transport andstorage”4 Ambienttemperature: -40°Cto+85°C-40°Fto+185°F; Humidity: 5to85%R. 5x104 (at resistiveload, 6times/min. switching capacity LoadLimitCurve 3. switchingvoltage 250VAC Max.) (withoutdiode) Mechanical characteristics Shockresistance Functional Min. °C ds_61C16_en_pf: 070313D 337 20 40 20 Power . side.(APF) 2.7 ' 85 - Ambient temperature.) Destructive 10to55Hzatdoubleamplitudeof 1. ►Current [A] o g & £ 1 1 Î -40 -2 14y 15 Pick-upvoltage 1'\ J Drop-out voltage . Resistiveload 250VAC 850C185°F 30,000 Inductiveload AC15 250VAC 250C77°F 20,000 DC13 24VDC 25°C77°F 6,000 Notes: Switchcontactsareall onN. 49m/s2 (Half-wavepulseofsinewave: 11ms; detectiontime: 10|as) Destructive Min. (Notfreezingandcondensingat lowtemperature) Unitweight Approx. 5x106(at 180times/min