RELAYS Panasonic

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Panasonic is part of a large worldwide groupselling relays and associated switching products under different brand names in different territories.The conditions of use in some territories may differ from those customary in Europe. In particular there are often major differences in regard to national and international specifications, such as UL, CSA, VDE, SEV, EVE, SEMKO, etc. Thus, when considering contact loads as stated in this catalogue (e.g. 10 A, 30 VDC for the SP relay) its hould be understood that these values are not necessarily an absolute maximum but tested ratings. Mostly the stated value has been tested for a certain life expectancy as stated by the manufacturer or the respective test house. Thus, under different conditions, the stated “maximum” may, in practice, be safely exceeded.

Vydal: Panasonic Electric Works Czech s.r.o. Autor: Panasonic

Strana 475 z 1090

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Poznámky redaktora
3mA 180Q 9V 22.2mA 405Q 12V 16. 5x104 (sealed type, 10A 277VAC), Min.) Min. (at nominal switching capacity) Unit weight Approx. switching capacity (reference value)*1 100mA, DC Electrical characteristics Insulation resistance (Initial) Min.5to 48V DC), Max. switching power (resistive load) 2,770VA, 300W Max.7mA 720Q 18V 11. 1,000MQ (at 500V DC) Measurement same location “Breakdown voltage” section. (Detection current: mA) Temperature rise (coil) Max. (Detection current: mA) Between contact and coil 2,500 Vrms for min. (4. Coil data Nominal coil voltage Pick-up voltage (at 20°C 68°F) Drop-out voltage (at 20°C 68°F) Nominal operating current [±10%] (at 20°C 68°F) Coil resistance [±10%] (at 200C68°F) Nominal operating power Max.5 48V DC), 600mW(100V DC) Min.1mA 1,620Q 24V 8.) Release time (at nominal voltage) (at 200C680F) Max. 105(sealed type, 10A30V DC), Min.) Vibration resistance Functional 10to double amplitude 1.4mA 101Q 200mW 150%Vof nominal voltage 6V 33. 55°C 131°F (100V DC) [By resistive method, nominal coil voltage applied the coil; contact carrying current: 16A, at 70°C 158°F (4. (Not freezing and condensing lowtemperature), Air pressure: 106kPa Max. This value can change due the switching frequency, environmental conditions, and desired reliability level, therefore recommended checkthis with the actual load.5to 48V DC), -40°C +60°C -40°Fto +140° (100V DC), Humidity: 5to 85% R. applied voltage (at 200C 68OF) 4. (excluding contact bounce time) (Without diode) Mechanical characteristics Shock resistance Functional 200 m/s2(Half-wave pulse sine wave: ms; detection time: 10|as. (100V DC) (excluding contact bounce time. VDC Min. 2x107 Electrical (at times/min. switching voltage 277VAC, 30V DC Max. 45°C 113°F (4.H. operating speed times/min. 3x104 (sealed type, 16A 125VAC), Min.5to 48V DC), Max.) Destructive 1,000 m/s2(Half-wave pulse sine wave: ms.) Destructive 10to double amplitude 2.2x50p,s according JEC-212-1981 *3.2mA 11,520Q 100V Min.) Min. .3mA 2,880Q 48V 4. Breakdown voltage (Initial) Between open contacts 1,000Vrms for min. 105 (Flux-resistant type, 10A 125VAC) Conditions Conditions for operation, transport and storage*3 Ambient temperature: -40°C +70°C -40°F +158°F (4. 4VDC < E ID 16,600Q 600mW 110%V 2.0 mm Expected life Mechanical (at 180times/min. Notes: *1. Usage, Storage and Transport Conditions” inAMBIENT ENVIRONMENT (page 626). Specifications Characteristics Item Specifications Contact Contact material AgSnO2type Arrangement 1FormA Contact resistance (Initial) Max. The upper limit ofthe ambient temperature isthe maximumtemperature that can satisfy the coil temperature rise value.JV-N RATING 1. *2.5V DC 75%V less of nominal voltage 5%V more of nominal voltage 44. Wave standard shock voltage ±1. ds_61B07_en_jvn: 290212J 273 Power .6 (Detection time: 10|as.5to 48V DC), 60°C 140°F (100V DC)] Surge breakdown voltage*2 (Between contact and coil) (Initial) 4,500 V Operate time (at nominal voltage) (at 200C680F) Max. 100 (By voltage drop 1A) Rating Nominal switching capacity (resistive load) 16A 125VAC, 10A 277VAC, 10A 30V DC, 10A 125VAC (Only for Flux-resistance type) Max. switching current 16A (125VAC), 10A (DC) Nominal operating power 200mW(4.28 oz *Specifications will vary with foreign standards certification ratings. Refer “6