RELAYS Panasonic

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Panasonic is part of a large worldwide groupselling relays and associated switching products under different brand names in different territories.The conditions of use in some territories may differ from those customary in Europe. In particular there are often major differences in regard to national and international specifications, such as UL, CSA, VDE, SEV, EVE, SEMKO, etc. Thus, when considering contact loads as stated in this catalogue (e.g. 10 A, 30 VDC for the SP relay) its hould be understood that these values are not necessarily an absolute maximum but tested ratings. Mostly the stated value has been tested for a certain life expectancy as stated by the manufacturer or the respective test house. Thus, under different conditions, the stated “maximum” may, in practice, be safely exceeded.

Vydal: Panasonic Electric Works Czech s.r.o. Autor: Panasonic

Strana 174 z 1090

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Poznámky redaktora
Coil im sse d volta e 1. T rise coil tly ffe cte ircu board, cte rness, cte d co cto issip tio yste rce round relay. t te re ch cte ristic C oil sista ick-u lta ill cre the used re a The sista /te ffic ire 0. high lta fro cts. rth not e xce usable nge listed cata log.AUTOMOTIVE CAUTIONS FOR USE 4. lease rify it is tin rly tive actu icle actu use itio s. lie d vo lta e N ote coil ssio ith lta ual the xim tin sse d v lta rise ich cou cau coil rning sho rt. ds_x61_en_relay_technical_information_010113J 173 TechnicalInfo. 3. (a) E ^ (b) Fig. rt be een inte r e tro s C load side Fig. cts the o side. lease M con trol. (a). lease note us. cts are cte to both side Fig. T usa round inside box t g its stru incre inside the box. (a) ood exa (b) Bad exa le R ega llo irc tru tio ith 2-coil (tw ys) relays, rc b cts brea kin load rre typ load cu rre lta load. Load, e ctrica life 23. T please firm the tio tin range, ith tte tio to such cha cte ristic. ctio n o load 24. . 2. (b), risk rtin the hen re tive close short. <2 coil (tw sin relays> 0 B f Load B - ■ > < relay> O F ■ > Load Ô Arcing W using ltip such 2-coil (tw relays), rify tio and reakdo n vo lta cts pole avo ccid short.4 1°C, and the coil re sista cre ith ratio. 5. sta rt vo lta e A fte tin lyin rre coil and con cts, rre ly tu again, coil sista and ick-u lta ill incre due rise in th coil. hand, coil sista and the lta ill d cre oil sista ith sam ratio r te 1°C