Railway Signal Cables

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nkt cables is a global front-line supplier to the energy sector. We develop, manufacture and market high quality cables andsolutions for the electrical construction, railway and automotive industries. We supply creative sustainable products, services and solutions for our customers. Our manufacturing plants are among the most modern, flexible and cost-effective in the world and we invest heavily to keepthem at the highest technological level. CO2 emissions have a high priority as to neutral production and waste prevention with our brand new state-of-the-art factory in Cologne being amongst the most modern in the ...

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3 ≤ 12.5 30x4x1. The data are only indicative and should not considered binding representation warranty from nkt cables concerning product‘s properties usability. nF/km ≤ 60 ≤ 60 ≤ 60 ≤ 60 ≤ 60 ≤ 60 All rights reserved.000 > 10.7 33. mm 15.5 7x2x1.5 14x4x1. Any unauthorized usage, redistribution reproduction part all the content any form will constitute infringement copyright.2 42.000 > 10.5 24x2x1.3 ≤ 12.5 25. nkt cables reserves the right change the data page without prior notice.3 ≤ 12.8 Weight of cable kg/km 266 527 910 1412 2091 2442 Conductor DC resistance 20°C Ω/km ≤ 12.000 > 10.5 4x2x1.3 Insulation resistance MΩxkm > 10.3 ≤ 12.3 22.000 > 10.1.3 ≤ 12. The data page not exhaustive and should read conjunction with nkt cables other product data sheets, whether published not.3 44.000 Mutual capacitance max. 14 .Technical details SXCAV No.5 Cable diameter nom. cores x cross section mm² mm2 1x2x.000 > 10