Přístroje LUMEL a SONEL v ČR

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Firmu LUMEL zastupujeme v oblasti - analogové/ručkové/ a číslicové přístroje, převodníkyel. veličin, bočníky, průvlekové transformátory,číslicové monitory procesů, registrační přístroje,analyzátory sítě, vizuální monitory procesů a číslicové informační displeye.Firmu SONEL zastupujeme v oblasti - revizní přístroje, klešťové přístroje, neelektrické veličiny,analyzátory sítě, testovací a zkušební přístroje a číslicové multimetry.

Vydal: APOS - AUTO, s.r.o. Autor: Mojmír Klein

Strana 37 z 39

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Poznámky redaktora
400 type 0..600 07 1 08 5 09 Output range: 0.10 00 thermocouple (-100. 2 Version: standard 00 non-standard settings NS custom-made* XX Language: Polish P English E other* X Acceptance tests: without extra requirements 0 with extra quality inspection certificate 1 acc.60 60 0....60 mV) 09 Version: standard 00 custom-made* XX Acceptance tests: without extra requirements 8 with extra quality inspection certificate 7 acc...850 0.400 05 0.....600 [O] 0. customer's request* X Ta s Type of sensor/ input [unit] Range Code Type of sensor/ input [unit] Range Code Pt100 [°C] -200. customer's request* X Ta : P20H X Input signal: +/- 1 +/- 250 2 +/- 400 3 +/- 4 +/- 5 0.200 0..20 66 0..200 20 d.200 0.20 11 Custom-made version* XX * After agreeing with manufacturer ** conversion class >0,2 X X ...1300°C) 03 thermocouple (-100.1760 43 0..c../d.1200 37 0.10 2 Version: standard 00 custom-made* XX Acceptance tests: without extra requirements 8 with extra quality inspection certificate 7 acc.500 06 0....850 0.5 1 0./d.20 1 4.. 1 20....1600 44 0....12001 46 0..253 a.20 2 0..c.4001 Custom made XX -200.800 51 0.c..c..40 a.10 3 Supply voltage: 85..1370*C) 02 thermocouple (-100.c.... voltage [V] 0.../d.10 4 Supply voltage: 85..40 ac/dc 2 Kind terminals: inseparable screws 1 socket-plug screws 2 Version: standard 00 custom-made* XX Acceptance tests: without extra requirements with extra quality inspection certificate acc.100 6 0.20 1 4...600 24 d.....60 01 0.c...40 a. customer's request* Ta : P20G X Input: kind programmed input: see table 10 XX Output: kind programmed output: see table 10 XX Supply: 85.60 59 0...c.20 1 voltage outputs 0..400 8 Output: 0..250 7 0.. 1 20.600 0.1200°C) 01 thermocouple (-100...20 08 ±5 09** ±20 10 4.200 -150.150 03 0.1200 4.c./d.c.5 Ta f in t Range Input code Output code 0..20 3 0... current [mA] 0.400 -60.1200 48 -100.1 01** 0.20 64 0....250 08 voltage (0.850 -10.150 61 -200.c.200 -200.5 58 0.2001 accuracy class 0........1000 50 0..850 0..........400 0.5 65 0...c....850 -200...600 40 -200.....1000 38 0.... 2 Version: standard 00 non-standard settings NS custom-made* XX Language: Polish P English E other* X Acceptance tests: without extra requirements 0 with extra quality inspection certificate 1 acc..100°C) 05 Pt100 (-50.250 04 0...150 07 resistance (0...2001 42 Pt250 [°C] -200....c.P18 AND P18L TEMPERATURE AND HUMiDiTY TRANSDUCERS P17 TRANSDUCER AND P17G SEPARATOR Ta : P17 X Input: voltage (0....2001 54 -200./d..40 a..100 0..100 0..c..4001 53 0...1000 -20.800 39 0...100 28 d.400°C) 06 resistance (0.800 Res 0... 2 Kind input: write the code from table XX Version: standard 00 custom-made* XX Acceptance tests: without extra requirements with extra quality inspection certificate acc......... customer's request* X * After agreeing with manufacturer P20 SERiES TRANSDUCERS Ta : P20 XX Analog output: 0.253 a.200 0.5 02 0./d..400 67 0. voltage [mV] 0.20 2 0.14001 45 0.1370 36 0...c..6001 52 0.......850 -5....1200 49 Pt500 [°C] -200.10 3 RS-485 4 Supply: 85.600 [°C] 0.850 type 0..200 [°C] 0.150 62 -100..850 0.5 07** 0..4001 41 -100.20 2 4.. customer's request* Ta : P20Z XX Input range: 0..253 a.400 [°C] 0.253 ac/dc 1 20...200 -200..90°C) 04 Pt100 (-50.100 02 0.... customer's request* X Ta : P17G X Version: standard 00 custom-made* XX Acceptance tests: without extra requirements 8 with extra quality inspection certificate 7 acc..10 03 ±1 04** ±5 05 ±10 06 0...20 63 TC of J type [°C] -200..10 55 -100....1001 -200.10001 47 -200...5 56 Pt1000 [°C] -200.. customer's request* X Ta : P18 X Outputs: without analog output 0 current outputs 4.10 57 0. 1 20.c.1200 0.600 type 0..... customer's request* X Ta : P18L X Version: standard 00 custom-made* XX Acceptance tests: without extra requirements 8 with extra quality inspection certificate 7 acc..4000 68 0.