Přístroje LUMEL a SONEL v ČR

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Firmu LUMEL zastupujeme v oblasti - analogové/ručkové/ a číslicové přístroje, převodníkyel. veličin, bočníky, průvlekové transformátory,číslicové monitory procesů, registrační přístroje,analyzátory sítě, vizuální monitory procesů a číslicové informační displeye.Firmu SONEL zastupujeme v oblasti - revizní přístroje, klešťové přístroje, neelektrické veličiny,analyzátory sítě, testovací a zkušební přístroje a číslicové multimetry.

Vydal: APOS - AUTO, s.r.o. Autor: Mojmír Klein

Strana 19 z 39

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Poznámky redaktora
40 a. 1 110 a..c.c.500 0.253 a.c./d. with supply output V/30 mA* 4 20. Ta d u : Code Unit Code Unit 00 without unit kV 01 Hz 02 turns 03 rpm 04 bar 05 kPa 06 MPa 07 order* * -After agreeing with manufacturer * -The output only N24S/N25S and N24T/N25T meters XX X XX XX N30 METER SERiES Ta : N30U X Supply: 85.c. the table XX Version: standard 00 custom-made* XX Language: Polish P English E other* X Acceptance tests: without extra requirements 0 with extra quality inspection certificate 1 acc.c./d..c.253 a. 6 20. 2 24 a.c.c.. 1 20./d.c. signals:high voltage and high current H Input signal: see table X Supply: 230 a.. with supply output V/30 mA* 4 20.c. ±100 d.. signals:high voltage and high current H Input signal: see table X Supply: 230 a.20 Pt100: -50..253 a. 1 20.c.c.c.150°C 2 4.40 a...c.c.c... 2 Additional outputs: lack 0 OC output, RS-485, analog outputs 1 OC output, RS-485, analog outputs and 2 change-over relay outputs Unit: unit code acc..N24 AND N25 METERS Ta : N24 X Kind input signal: standard: voltage, current S temperature: thermocouples, resistance thermometers T a.c. customer's request* X Ta : N30O X Supply: 85.. ±250 d..../d.../d.c.c..40 a.c.250 d.60 Thermocouple J 4 0..c.c.../d. 2 Additional outputs: lack 0 OC output, RS-485, analog outputs 1 OC output, RS-485, analog outputs and 2 change-over relay outputs Unit: unit code acc.c. 3 85.c.c.. customer's request* X Ta HiGHLiGHTED : Code Unit Code Unit 00 without unit % 01 %RH 02 pH 03 kg 04 bar 05 m 06 35 07 36 08 h 09 m3 10 var turns 11 kvar pcs 12 Mvar imp 13 rps 14 kVA m/s 15 MVA l/s 16 kWh turns/min 17 MWh rpm 18 kvarh mm/min 19 Mvarh m/min 20 kVAh l/min 21 MVAh m3/min 22 pcs/h 23 kHz m/h 24 km/h 25 m3/h 26 kg/h 27 l/h 28 order* * -After agreeing with manufacturer . 7 0./d. with supply output V/30 mA** 5 Unit: see table 4 Version: standard non-standard setting custom-made* Language: Polish English other* Acceptance tests: without extra requirements with extra quality inspection certificate acc.. customer's request* X Ta : N30P X Supply: 85..40 a.c.c.c..c./d.c./d.253 a.c./d.400°C 3 0.c. customer's request* Ta : N25 X Kind input signal: standard: voltage, current S temperature: thermocouples, resistance thermometers T a.20 Pt100: -50.40 a./d. 2 Additional outputs: lack 0 OC output, RS-485, analog outputs 1 OC output, RS-485, analog outputs and 2 change-over relay outputs Unit: unit code acc..c.253 a. 1 20.c. with supply output V/30 mA** 5 Unit: see table 4 Version: standard non-standard setting custom-made* Language: Polish English other* Acceptance tests: without extra requirements with extra quality inspection certificate acc. customer's request* X Ta 30H : N30H X Supply: 85.c. 2 250 a. signals Z d. 1 20. 5 a..10 Thermocouple K 5 ±60 mV 6 V 7 Nr N24Z/N25Z N24H/N25H 1 100 a.c.c.. 3 400 a./d. the table XX Version: standard 00 custom-made* XX Language: Polish P English E other* X Acceptance tests: without extra requirements 0 with extra quality inspection certificate 1 acc.100 d.c...c.. 3 85.253 a.c. ±400 d. signals Z d.. d.c. 1 110 a.40 a..c.. 4 a.. the table XX Version: standard 00 custom-made* XX Language: Polish P English E other* X Acceptance tests: without extra requirements 0 with extra quality inspection certificate 1 acc.c.. 2 24 a.c.c. 2 Additional outputs: lack 0 OC output, RS-485, analog outputs 1 OC output, RS-485, analog outputs and 2 change-over relay outputs Unit: unit code acc.. d... customer's request* Ta e Nr N24S/N25S N24T/N25T 1 0.. the table XX Version: standard 00 custom-made* XX Language: Polish P English E other* X Acceptance tests: without extra requirements 0 with extra quality inspection certificate 1 acc...c