SCHRACK: Outdoor-solutions 2014

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Top lighting products for path lighting, garden and object illumination.

Vydal: Schrack Technik spol. s r.o. Autor: Schrack Technik

Strana 175 z 180

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1,5mIndependent converter (electronic transformer can also used externally). “This luminaire suitable for bulbs with the energy efficiency class . wood) with unknown inflammation characteristics.. Product KEMA-tested (Netherlands) High-efficiency professional lamp for commercial application. Product tested for electromagnetic compatibility the VDE (radio protected sign).. possible. Not suitable using bulbs >50W.. 0,8 t Attributes reflector lamps Multi mirror bulbs (cool beam): The major part the heat emitted on the rear side the reflector. The lamps within the luminaire cannot exchanged. Dimmable with trailing-edge phase dimmer. Measurements are based fitting concrete. Luminaires with built-in LED bulbs: Average life span the entire product hours..10 Weight capacity product tons indicated value. Symmetrical focusable asymmetrical. Suitable for outdoor application, classification.. Angle radiation.. 12~ 12~ 230~ mA 350 230~ 230~ Product VDE-tested This lamp equipped with energy-saving LED technique. single-ray .. . Permissible temperature range C°. Specification the incorporated number single LEDs LED 35pcs. 90°C Impact resistance the product the specified value 20 J Bulb equipped with UV-protection. 50° 15°–30° Application range Suitable exclusively for indoor rooms. conductor cross-section 16A max. 9,5 Range the energy efficiency classes for all bulbs matching the lamp. possible specified number lamps. two-ray . Dimmable with 1-10V. ta 40° ta -25°–+40° This luminaire contains built-in LED lamps. Heat development the surface the ground recessed lamp. Dimmable with appropriate accessory (for bulbs e. Bulb suitable for application lamps with without protection glass. Direct beam bulbs (no cool beam): Thermal load the light beam, therefore almost heat development the rear side the reflector. Additional accessory required mount the lamp. Reduced thermal load the light beam... Application range EEK=EEC=EEK=EEK= A–A+A–A+ Short-circuit-proof protection transformer . Dimmability Max. IP44 Average life span of bulb luminaire hours 2500502 Shape and dimensions installation cut-out 7,2 Permissible ambient temperature range C°.” Mounting normal flammable surfaces Suitable for direct fixation. asymmetrical . Recessed..+A EEK= A–A+ CRI 175 +A1–10C L EEI=A1 EEI=B2EEI=A2 60° Ceiling wall floor... current carrying capacity Protection classes one-two-three Rotary range the product with degree specification Swivel range the product with degree specification340° 180°Swivel range the product with degree specification 180° max... . multiple-ray with beam . distance between ropes 20 VG EEI=A1 VG EEI=B2 VG EEI=A2 Protected fault indicated temperature °C.. Not suitable for indoor rooms.. Energy efficiency class ballast 7–12 Weight the product 9,5 Specification the max. .. Through-wiring . Bulb lamp part cardanically slewable / cardanically slewable indicated value degree. Dimmable with leading-edge phase dimmer. Light emission . dimmable electronic ballast). CRI<80: not suitable for indoor rooms.. 2,5mm2 Cable diameter mm.Specification the max.g. High-voltage 230~ Integrated converter for 230V alternating voltage 350mA direct current Low-voltage with voltage converter for high-voltage systems 230~/12~ Low-voltage 12~ Operating voltage A light distribution curve the respective product can sent to you request. max. Temperature protection with temperature specification 115° C The LED lamps can exchanged professional with appropriate tools. Pendant cable length for standard pendant lamps m. (indicates the conformity with the European safety norms) Product Semco-tested (Sweden) Product Nemco-tested (Norway) 12,5/12,5 Installation depth cm If mounting pot included the delivery, the dimensions refer the size of the pot.g. Product TÜV/GS-tested Product ENEC-tested. >50WMounting materials Allows mounting the lamp materials (e