OSMONT katalog svítidel 2012-13

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Hlavní nabídkou jsou svítidla s ručně vyráběnými stínítky z třívrstvého opálového skla. Výrobní program tvoří svítidla přisazená, tzn. stropní a nástěnná, i svítidla závěsná. V celém sortimentu je nabídnuta široká škála světelných zdrojů. Svítidla mohou být vybavena i vysokofrekvenčními senzory nebo nouzovými jednotkami.

Vydal: OSMONT, s.r.o. Autor: Osmont

Strana 7 z 170

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Poznámky redaktora
5YEARS GUARANTEE only for LED modules and LED driver Advantages the Osmont lamps with opaline shields and LED sources CREE -energy-savinglamps,whichdonotdazzlethankstothetriplerefractionontheshield (suitable for sensor switching) - quick start-up the full output (high number switching cycles unlimited) - high efficiency the LED 100lm/W -theservicelifeoftheLEDsinthelampsisatleast50,000hourswithhardlynoticeable change the light output - the service life the power supply used least 50,000 hours - maintenance-free operation the light sources not need changing -possibilitytochoosefromchromaticitytemperatures(3000KCRi>80,4000KCRi>70) - lamps with the sources without harmful substances Another function the LED lamps dim the power the LED sources the lamps controlled means low voltage 1-10 or digital switch and the DALI system incl.7 SURFACE MOUNTED LAMPSWITH LED SOURCES Description: ThelightsourceinthelampisaLEDmoduleofourowndesign,fittedwithone,twoor three LED sources made the CREE company.LEDluminousflux170lm combined emergency LED lamp equipped with additional LED source input 2W, which works emergency mode for hour (on request possible manufacture lamp for hours) Typeidentificationexample: LED-2L02K53/042/NK1W3000- luminousfluxinemergencymode100lm LED-3L02K64/042/NK2W3000- luminousfluxinemergencymode170lm .LEDluminousflux–100lm LED-NZ2W…. The arrangement the modules enables even lighting the shield area without un- wanted shades. corridor function) Typeidentificationexample: LED-3L02K53/0421-10V4000 LED-3L02K53/042DALI4000 sensor LED sources the lamp are switched means high-frequency motion sensor Typeidentificationexample: LED-3L02K53/042HF4000 emergency emergencyLEDlampshinesonlyinemergencymodefor1hour,onrequestitispossi- ble manufacture lamp for hours emergency mode Typeidentificationexample: LED-NZ1W….This ensures long service life the LED sources. The number and construction the modules used each type the lamp determine the light output and the same time provide the optimum temperature conditions in the lamp