Obsahem této knihy jsou především výsledky této více než dvacetileté vědeckovýzkumné práce. Nejde však přitom o výsledky toliko výzkumu. Jeho závěry byly uplatňovány ve výuce, ověřovány v diplomních pracích absolventů na katedře, konfrontovány s názory odborníků na domácích i mezinárodních konferencích a aplikovány v rámci tradiční spolupráce katedry s energetickou praxí.Tato publikace nemůže vyčerpat beze zbytku celou šíři problematiky optimalizace v energetických soustavách. Byl bych proto rád, kdyby se stala nejen užitečnou příručkou pro řídící pracovníky v energetických podnicích, ve výzkumných, projekčních a investorských organizacích a učební pomůckou pro posluchače studijního oboru Ekonomika a řízení energetiky na vysokých školách technických, ale také podnětem k vydávání dalších publikací, rozvíjejících a rozšiřujících její obsah.
stands for the systems conception economic optimization (i.
In Chapter the author difines basic concepts power engineering, points out the relationship of
power engineering and the society and presents the development the world’s and Czechoslovak power
generating industry both energy resources and energy consumption.
The core the book lies Chapters and Chapter devoted assessing the economic
effectiveness investments. brief survey mathematical models power system development and the division of
optimization into the preliminary and final phases followed detailed characterization the
deterministic optimization criteria and the author’s suggestion the criterion the form average
annual comparative production costs. Further, the chapter contains sensibility analysis optimization
criteria and the stability optimal decisions. the concluding part
a method for the motivation optimization system operation means the joint production account
is given. This followed the
characterization and terminology power systems, their classification, special features and giving
the main indicators shown example the electric power system. example electric power system the methods of
securing regime economy the distribution load within the system shown. contains survey the profit criteria (present-worth profit, discounted
cash flow, internal rate return, standard profit and the payout- payback-time investments) and
cost criteria used (production costs, total costs and the effectiveness coefficient due-data additional
investments) and their comparison. defines the optimal operation system, the requirements for the reliability system,
the technology and regime economy it.
After the definition basic concepts concerning systems and their properties, optimization and
effectiveness, the optimal development production system defined; the concepts social and
economic effectiveness are explained followed discussion the problems monocriterial and
multicriterial optimization.
Chapter deals with the optimization power system exploitation special case power system
development. The author recommends monocriterial conception the economic
effectiveness criterion the monetary form comparative profit comparative production costs.
. Whereas for the assessment social effectiveness the autor recommends to
apply the multicriterial optimization, the case economic effectiveness recommends monocrite
rial selection. the
determination economically optimal alternative) the development and exploitation power
systems. the concluding part the chapter the optimization of
power system development under uncertainty conditions dealt with.e.Summary
Optimization Power Systems
With respect its subject mutter the book falls under the science branch economics and
management power engineering.
Chapter presents the results the author’s research the field optimization power system
development. The
concluding part gives the development the assessment economic effectiveness Czechoslovakia and
a recommendation for assessing power optimization calculations