OMNIMATE – Device connectivity and electronics housings

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Weidmüller is a leading international provider of solutions for electrical connectivity,transmission and conditioning of power, signal and data in industrial environments.The company with headquarters in Detmold/Germany develops, produces and sellsproducts in the field of electrical connectivity and electronics all over the world.

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o. Autor: Weidmueller

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Poznámky redaktora
750 100 1724690000 Representative derating curve OMNIMATESignal PCBTerminals Clamping yoke screw connection .6 In compliance with IEC 60664-1 IEC 61984 mm AWG AWG mm mm 32 32 20°C 40°C 4 III III II 3 2 690 1000 1000 8 6 B D 300 300 30 30 26-10 B D 300 300 30 35 26-10 Wemid (PA) V-0 Copper alloy tinned 0. • Increased derating reserves because WEMID insulating material used.6 0.52 mm Accessories Note: Refer the Accessories chapter for additional accessories. (inch) Qty.5. Screwdriver SD 0,8x4,0x100 SDI 0,8x4,0x100 Crosshead screwdriver SDK PZ1 Order No.6 0.0 1.18 mm² UL: 300 AWG 10 For additional articles and information, refer to catalog..18.04 0..846" 7,9 0...024" 21,5 0. A At ambient temperature For conductor cross-section mm² Overvoltage category Pollution severity Rated voltage V Rated impulse voltage kV UL CUL (Use Group) Rated voltage V Rated current A AWG conductor CSA (Use Group) Rated voltage V Rated current A AWG conductor General data Type insulation material Flammability class 94 Contact base material Material contact surface Pin dimensions d Solder eyelet mm Solder eyelet tolerance 0.0.weidmueller.3 + 0,1 Product data IEC: 1000 0.5 1.18.. LL 9.5 7 0.5.189" 0,6 0.2. mm² Solid core H05(07) V-U mm² Stranded H07 V-R Flexible H05(07) V-K mm² Flexible with ferrule mm² Ferrule with plastic collar mm² Stripping length mm Screwdriver blade According norm Tightening torque range Nm Rated current, max.52 Single-row PCB Terminal with the proven clamping-yoke screw connection 9./90 Dimensioned drawing +PL1 4,8 0. Order No.5..52/..0 mm².4 0.42 B LL 9.. Technical data In compliance with IEC 60664-1 Clamping range, max. • Wire outlet direction: 90° • and 3-pole block construction can be aligned together for higher pole counts. 2 9.311" 12,5 0.52 0. No. • Wire end ferrule without plastic collar DIN 46228/1 • Wire end ferrule with plastic collar DIN 46228/4 • drg....375 100 1724680000 3 19.8 4. pitch • Rated data refer only the component itself.5 0..52-mm pitch, suitable for wire cross-sections to 6.B. Clearance and creepage distances other components are designed in accordance with the relevant application standards.492" 1,3+0,1 0.22. 9008340000 9008400000 9008530000 Note: • Rated current related rated cross-section and min..2.051" L1 P Ordering data Solder pin length mm Colour orange Pitch 9. of poles.0 DIN 5264 0