OMNIMATE – Device connectivity and electronics housings

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Weidmüller is a leading international provider of solutions for electrical connectivity,transmission and conditioning of power, signal and data in industrial environments.The company with headquarters in Detmold/Germany develops, produces and sellsproducts in the field of electrical connectivity and electronics all over the world.

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o. Autor: Weidmueller

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Poznámky redaktora
.g.5 12. Note: Examples such equipment are distribution boards, circuit-breakers, wiring systems (IEV 826-06-01, including cables, busbars, junction boxes, switches, power sockets) the permanent installation, and equipment for industrial use and some other equipment, e. – Equipment overvoltage category IV is for use the proximity the incoming supply point the electrical Table 3a: Single-phase 3-wire systems Rated voltage of the power supply (mains)*) Voltages for table 4 For insulation phase-to-phase 1) For insulation phase-to-earth 1) All systems 3-wire systems, neutr. Where only one value indicated, refers 3-wire, 3-phase systems and specifies the value phase-to-phase. Table 3b: 3-phase 4-wire systems Rated voltage of the power supply (mains)*) Voltages for table 4 For insulation phase-to-phase 1) For insulation phase-to-earth 1) All systems 3-phase 4-wire systems with earthed neutral wire 2) 3-phase 3-wire systems unearthed1) or phase- earthed V V 60 63 110/120/127 125 125 150**) 160 160 208 200 125 200 220/230/240 250 160 250 300**) 320 320 380/400/415 400 250 400 440 500 250 500 480/500 500 320 500 575 630 400 630 600**) 630 630 660/690 630 400 630 720/830 800 500 800 960 1000 630 1000 1000**) 1000 1000 1) Phase-to-earth insulation levels for unearthed impedance-earthed systems are equal those phase-to-phase because the operating voltage earth any phase can, practice, reach full phase-to- phase voltage. **) Because the common changes, the meaning the symbol has not been used table i. The values given table are still taken into account tables and the symbol.W. 2) For electrical equipment for use both 3-phase 4-wire and 3-phase 3-wire supplies, earthed and unearthed, use the values for 3-wire systems only. – Equipment overvoltage category III is equipment that part the permanent electrical installation and other equipment where higher degree of availability expected.e. the symbol indicates 4-wire 3-phase distribution system. The pollution severity categories are as follows: Pollution severity category 1: No pollution, only dry, non-conductive pollution that has influence. This because the actual voltage earth deter- mined the insulation resistance and capacitive reactance each phase earth; thus, low (but acceptable) insulation resistance of one phase can earth and raise the other two full phase-to-phase voltage earth. The following aspects apply the overvoltage categories ­in accordance with the German standard DIN VDE 0110-1: Electrical equipment fed directly from the low-voltage mains Specification specific overvoltage category shall based the following: – Equipment overvoltage category I is equipment that intended be connected the permanent electrical installation building. This because the actual voltage earth deter- mined the insulation resistance and capacitive reactance each phase earth; thus, low (but acceptable) insulation resistance of one phase can earth and raise the other two full phase-to-phase voltage earth.5 – 24 – 25 30 – 42 48 – 50**) 60 – 30–60 32 100**) 100 – 110 125 – 120 150**) 160 – 220 250 – 110–220 250 125 120–240 300**) 320 – 220–440 500 250 600**) 630 – 480–960 1000 500 1000**) 1000 – 1) Phase-to-earth insulation levels for unearthed impedance-earthed systems are equal those phase-to-phase because the operating voltage earth any phase can, practice, reach full phase-to- phase voltage. **) Because the common changes, the meaning the symbol has not been used table i. Pollution severity category 3: Conductive pollution, dry, non- conductive pollution that liable be rendered conductive through con-densation. Note: Examples such equipment are household appliances, portable tools and similar loads. The lower value the phase-to-neutral voltage, while the higher value the phase-to-phase voltage..g. The lower value the phase-to-neutral voltage, while the higher value the phase-to-phase voltage. the symbol indicates 4-wire 3-phase distribution system. *) assumed that the rated voltage the electrical equipment not lower than the nominal voltage the power supply. Measures limit transient overvoltages the specific level are taken outside the equipment, either in the permanent installation between the permanent installation and the equipment. Where only one value indicated, refers 3-wire, 3-phase systems and specifies the value phase-to-phase. Pollution severity category 4: Contamination results constant conductivity, e.7 Technicalappendix W IEC clearance and creepage distances Note: Clearances that not comply with case must subjected an impulse withstand voltage test (see table 2a, footnote 1). – Equipment overvoltage category II is equipment connected the permanent electrical installation a building. caused conductive dust, rain snow. *) assumed that the rated voltage the electrical equipment not lower than the nominal voltage the power supply. The values given table are still taken into account tables and the symbol.e. stationary motors with permanent connections the permanent installation. Pollution severity category 2: Non-conductive pollution only; occasional condensation may cause temporary conductivity. point earthing V V 12