OMNIMATE – Device connectivity and electronics housings

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Weidmüller is a leading international provider of solutions for electrical connectivity,transmission and conditioning of power, signal and data in industrial environments.The company with headquarters in Detmold/Germany develops, produces and sellsproducts in the field of electrical connectivity and electronics all over the world.

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o. Autor: Weidmueller

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Poznámky redaktora
Order No ZQV 4N/2 1793950000 ZQV 4N/2 1793960000 ZQV 4N/2 1758250000 Full housing available set request.2…2. Order No ZQV 4N/2 1793950000 ZQV 4N/2 1793960000 ZQV 4N/2 1758250000 Full housing available set request. TS35 7. conductor AWG Plug gauge 60947-1 Note Ordering data Individual parts For mounting rail TS35 with connection element for connection element for mounting rail contact, for connection element For mounting rail TS32 with connection element Frame for TS35 Frame for TS35 for connection element Frame for TS32 Top part open closed Current bars (w.5 AWG 26…AWG 16 Type Qty.8 6 not available 1 soldered connection, directly 0.6 Nm 6 mm 2 PA V0 grey Screw connection Tension clamp connection 0.46 OMNIMATEHousing HousingsforElectronics I . yoke unit clamp.2…1. MHS 6 Screw connection 6.8 6 not available 1 soldered connection, directly 0.5 1.1  88  97. Order No MHZ 1925760000 EBGH MSA 2277710000 SMSE MSA 2279350000 SMSE2 MSD 2277000000 GHDE MSA 2279300000 Type Qty.4…0. connections total Access for calibration Shielding Contact the mounting rail Number PCB per module PCB-connection Thickness PCB Ingress protection class Tightening torque range Stripping length Pollution severity Material Flammability class 94 Colour insulating material Clampable conductors (H05V/H07V) Solid mm2 Flexible mm2 Max. MICROBOX TERMINALBOX Technical data I. tension clamp) short version long version Current bars horizontal vertical Clamp.6 Nm 7 mm 2 PA V0 grey Screw connection Tension clamp connection 0.5/M2. Order No MHS 1925740000 EBGH MSA 2277700000 SMSE MSA 4286620000 SMSE MSD 4060540000 ZBSC DLI2.0 mm IP 20 0.5 AWG 28…AWG 14 Type Qty.2…1.MICROBOX 6 1 miniature housing consists of: screw connection • terminal carrier for TS35 • horizontal busbars • vertical busbars • clamping yoke units • housing cover tension clamp connection • terminal carrier for TS35 • busbars, long version • current bars, short version • housing cover MHZ 6 Tension clamp connection Technical data General data Dimensions (w.0 mm IP 20 0.2…2.5 1.5X6 1919670000 GHDE MSA 2279280000 Type Qty.5 0.1  92  97.5) mm No.4…0. yoke screw Screw Clamping yoke Mounting rail contact Housing cover Note Accessories End plate Cross-connection Note 6.5 0