OMNIMATE – Device connectivity and electronics housings

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Weidmüller is a leading international provider of solutions for electrical connectivity,transmission and conditioning of power, signal and data in industrial environments.The company with headquarters in Detmold/Germany develops, produces and sellsproducts in the field of electrical connectivity and electronics all over the world.

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o. Autor: Weidmueller

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Poznámky redaktora
00/02GL 5.043" 5.2 0.409" 10 0. Order No.522" 4.1 0.3 mm, wave soldering SHL-SMT 5.00/GL Version left Box packaging Technical data Insulating material LCP Flammability class V0 Rated voltage 250 V Rated current A Rated data when used together with BHZxx female plug: refer page I.9RL 260 1069780000 SHL-SMT 5.3 0.565" 7.9 0.394" 15.2BX 120 1069640000 SHL-SMT 5.9BX 156 1069750000 SHL-SMT 5.9 0.291" 2.0 mm, reflow soldering Pin length 4,2 mm: LP position 2. SHL-SMT 5.4 0.4 0.00/02GL 5.23" 4.4 0.9 0.4 0.9BX 120 1069760000 SHL-SMT 5.075" 1.043" 5.2BX 120 1069630000 SHL-SMT 5.4 0.4 0.5RL 175 1063240000 SHL-SMT 5.4 0.9BX 120 1069770000 Dimensional drawing Version left 10.5 mm: LP position 5.00/04GL 5.9 0.4 0.23" 4.1 0.142" 2.394" 12 0.5BX 120 1063210000 SHL-SMT 5.291" L 3.00/02GL 4.30 Ordering data Type Version Poles Qty.3 0.00/03GL 5.00/02GL 4.9 0.6 0.474" 4.4 0.093" CH20M Technical data 2-pole 3-pole 2-pole 3-pole I.2 0.2RL 260 1069650000 SHL-SMT 5.043" 5.2RL 175 1069660000 SHL-SMT 5.9 mm: LP position 2.075" 1.9 0.4 0.565" L 10 0.23" 14.394" 10.291" L 15.193" 14.9RL 175 1069790000 SHL-SMT 5.4 0.2RL 130 1069670000 SHL-SMT 5.2BX 156 1069620000 SHL-SMT 5.522" 7.193" 2.00/03GL 4.087" 1.5BX 120 1063220000 SHL-SMT 5.5RL 130 1063250000 SHL-SMT 5.9RL 130 1069810000 Dimensional drawing Version right 14.28 OMNIMATEHousing HousingsforElectronics I .409" 12 0.00/04GL 1.23" 14.00/03GL 4.9 0.2 0.043" 5.9 0.00/04GL 1.3 mm, reflow soldering Pin length 5.087" 1.565" 7.075" 1.193" 2.2 0.9 0.00/03GL 5.00/04GL 4.1 0.9 0.075" 1.00/04GL 4.193" 3.00/03GL 1. SHL-SMT 5.4 0.606" 13.474" 7.00/04GL 5.4 0.093" SHL-SMT 5.4 0.6 0.9 0.291" 2.SHL-SMT THR male header for modular housing CH20M12-67 Can reflow soldered, resistant high temperatures Pin length 1.606" 10 0.00GL Version left Tape-on-reel Ordering data Type Version Poles Qty.142" 2.1 0.00/03GL 1.087" 1.9 0. Order No.087" 1.394" 13.565" L 10 0