OMNIMATE – Device connectivity and electronics housings

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Weidmüller is a leading international provider of solutions for electrical connectivity,transmission and conditioning of power, signal and data in industrial environments.The company with headquarters in Detmold/Germany develops, produces and sellsproducts in the field of electrical connectivity and electronics all over the world.

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o. Autor: Weidmueller

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Poznámky redaktora
covers all the requirements for mo- dern electronics platform built with the future mind. Designed configuration CH20M Explanation Individual design combining form, function and appearance CH20M (Component Housing IP20 Modular) Weidmüller‘s new housing standard represents the ideal platform for basing custo- mised electronic applications.With focus the important elements: the unobtrusive housing colours (black graphite, grey graphite and light grey) make competent impression without distracting from the key operational and display elements. The results are quicker installation, user-friendly operation, high operational reliability and resistance interference. Designed basic colours As many connections you require and affordable as you need: scalable connection levels, custom- configured for each side and available with six different housing widths and with single wire connections.6 OMNIMATEHousing HousingsforElectronics I . Like “tailor-made suit straight off the rack”, the ground breaking module concept combines freedom design with the low cost and planning security of standard system. In addition scalability, high level safety and innovative functionality in the application, the system also convinces with superior attention detail. I. From development production, the CH20M represents efficiency