OMNIMATE – Device connectivity and electronics housings

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Weidmüller is a leading international provider of solutions for electrical connectivity,transmission and conditioning of power, signal and data in industrial environments.The company with headquarters in Detmold/Germany develops, produces and sellsproducts in the field of electrical connectivity and electronics all over the world.

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o. Autor: Weidmueller

Strana 378 z 707

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Poznámky redaktora
Deckel aufsetzen. Order No.00 53.   –   10.00 11.00 1745620000   28.00 53.00 8.60 20.00 1781700000 36 63.50 40.00 1745670000 13 45.60 20.50 AH Cover W a b a L b Insert cable tie in the desired outgoing direction Place wired socket connector in position and close cable tie Place cover in position Lock cover Ordering data W b Pole (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Qty.50 40.34 16.50 40.00 40.60 20.50 53.00 11.00 11.2 1005390000 15 57.80 9.00 1781670000 30 52.80 13. Place wired socket connector in position and close cable tie.Place cover position.67 12.60 20.50 40.00 1781650000 26 45.50 53.8 1005360000 12 45.60 20.86 1005310000 7 26. Lock cover.00 1781610000 18 31.00 1781630000 22 38.60 9.00 11.81 AH Cover b W a L 21 3 4 Kabelbinder gewünschter Leiterabgangsrichtung einziehen.00 11.48 12.00 1781580000 12 21.00 8.   10.00 1781600000 16 28.55 8. b W a L 21 3 4 Insert cable tie the desired out-going direction.53 15.00 53.00 8.00 39.60 20.80 13.91 13.50 53.B2L 3.60 20.29 12.00 1781590000 14 24.00 39.50 30.5 1005330000 9 34.80 13.80 13. Buchsenstecker verdrahten und den Kabelbinder fixieren.60 20.55 8.6 1005370000 13 49.00 11.50 40.50 39.00 1781680000 32 56.05 1005300000 6 22.00 40.50 39.00 1781570000 10 17.00 11.15 1005400000 16 60.80 13.50 30. Ordering data W b Pole (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Qty.72 14.00 30.00 1745690000 15 52.00 53.00 1745640000 10 35.50 39.60 20. 2 - 3 11.50 AH Cover a W a L Ordering data W b Pole (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Qty.5 1005340000 10 38.50 1745600000   21.60 9.00 1745660000 12 42.00 1781660000 28 49.80 13.60 20.00 40.00 11.00 11.00 1745650000 11 38.00 1745680000 14 49.00 1745700000 16 56.00 11.00 30.00 39.80 13.60 20.96 17.50 53.80 13.60 20.00 1781640000 24 42.4 D .80 13.43 1005280000 4 15.80 13.00 53.8 1005410000 OMNIMATESignal Accessories D.50 1745610000   24.50 53.80 13.00 1781560000   14. Order No.5 1005320000 8 30.80 13.00 1781690000 34 59.00 40.50 1745580000   14.00 1781710000 Covers BL 3.50 1745590000   17.24 1005290000 5 19.80 13.00 8.00 1745630000   31.00 40.4 1005380000 14 53.80 13. Deckel verrasten.80 9.1 1005350000 11 41.00 1781620000 20 35.00 1745710000 BCZ 3. Order No