OMNIMATE – Device connectivity and electronics housings

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Weidmüller is a leading international provider of solutions for electrical connectivity,transmission and conditioning of power, signal and data in industrial environments.The company with headquarters in Detmold/Germany develops, produces and sellsproducts in the field of electrical connectivity and electronics all over the world.

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o. Autor: Weidmueller

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Poznámky redaktora
200 1148420000 1149890000 23 111./180LF with solder flange Dimensioned drawing L1 P L1 9,8 3,8 0.08 Solder flange (LF) Normally you use pin header with fastening flanges (F) combination with screw from the rear side the PCB increase the fixation forces the pin headers.56 1.800 1148280000 1149650000 16 76. Order No.400 1148090000 1149420000 9 40.C C.08HC/. This terminates additional process steps and thus reduces production costs.200 1148220000 1149550000 13 60.195 SL 5.36 3.08 mm pitch Series BL/SL 5.335" L1 P Ordering data Solder pin length 3.200 100 1147890000 1149220000 3 10.2 3.000 1148400000 1149850000 22 106.80 2.000 1148300000 1149690000 17 81.600 100 1147950000 1149290000 5 20.08 mm Pol.472" D 8,5 0.200 1148320000 1149720000 18 86.20 3. The patented solder flange was designed solve exactly this problem and find simple and cheap solution.68 4. 2 5. .000 1148190000 1149520000 12 55. The disadvantages are additional process steps that make the PCB mounting complex and cost intensive.60 4.12 2.48 1.40 1.200 1148050000 1149390000 8 35.400 1148340000 1149750000 19 91.400 1148440000 1149920000 24 116. The additional fixation protects the soldered connections from tensile strain and avoids permanent mechanical stress such as caused the post-fastened screw forces.800 1147990000 1149320000 6 25.000 1148020000 1149350000 7 30. Order No.28 3.400 1148240000 1149590000 14 66.76 4.400 100 1147920000 1149250000 4 15.08 0.72 1.24 0.600 1148260000 1149620000 15 71..96 2.600 1148120000 1149450000 10 45.84 4.32 0.64 1. The additional solder pins substitute the present screw flanges and they get soldered together with the pin header.800 1148380000 1149820000 21 101.800 1148150000 1149490000 11 50.88 2.44 3.16 0. (inch) Qty.600 1148360000 1149790000 20 96.600 1148470000 1149950000 OMNIMATESignal PCBConnectors Connectors 5.2 mm Colour orange black Pitch 5.15" 12 0.04 2.52 3