OMNIMATE – Device connectivity and electronics housings

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Weidmüller is a leading international provider of solutions for electrical connectivity,transmission and conditioning of power, signal and data in industrial environments.The company with headquarters in Detmold/Germany develops, produces and sellsproducts in the field of electrical connectivity and electronics all over the world.

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o. Autor: Weidmueller

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Poznámky redaktora
52 mm A wide variety application requirements from the industrial automation and control fields are solved globally using the components from the comprehensive OMNIMATE Signal PCB terminal range. Screw connection system Following relevant international guidelines/standards and Weidmüller‘s laboratory accreditation ensure highest quality standards for use globally. Subsequent tightening and maintenance the screw not needed.OMNIMATE Signal PCB Terminals Explanation OMNIMATE Signal PCB Terminals Flexible and versatile available pitches from 3. The automatically counter-operating Weidmüller steel clamping yoke uses force generated tightening the screw open the upper thread overlap. You can find suitable solution for almost any application, whether terms the conductor outlet direction, the pitch, the wire cross-section to be clamped, the required contact density through multi-level varieties the sort of connection you want.2 B . Standard-compliant integration ö OMNIMATESignal PCBTerminals B.5 9. Settling the connected wires and vibrations are compensated for and this guarantees maintenance- free operation