Weidmüller is a leading international provider of solutions for electrical connectivity,transmission and conditioning of power, signal and data in industrial environments.The company with headquarters in Detmold/Germany develops, produces and sellsproducts in the field of electrical connectivity and electronics all over the world.
Typical applications are sensor-actuator interfaces and power supplies
for the control and building industries.5 pitch; highest load capacity in
The wide OMNIMATE line, with its six product series, provides design flexibility,
efficient processing, and safe, intuitive handling.
• High power: 150 1000 mm² (IEC) and 600 127 AWG (UL)
• Simple approval the device 600 V
• Zero-maintenance steel clamp for screw connections that are resistant vibration
OMNIMATE Signal PCB connectors
This convenient wire-insert method the established standard process and
manufacturing automation well the measurement and control industry.00 mm
• Wide variety reflow-compatible products
• Compact, multi-level construction
OMNIMATE Power PCB terminals
The sturdy, direct connection for extreme current and voltage requirements power
electronics such solar inverters, frequency converters and high-performance power
supplies.5 mm² IDC bus,
1. The main advantages:
• All standard connection systems, from clamping yoke PUSH-IN
• All-purpose usage with pitches from 3.Introduction
A. Additional advantages:
• Wire connections meet market requirements: including 0.5 mm² spring connection, and mm² clamping yoke for two wires.2
OMNIMATE Device connectivity and electronics housings
Products, service and support
Introduction and overview
of our basic portfolio
OMNIMATE Signal PCB terminals
A simple and direct terminal connection the circuit board: the terminal provides
high-density component assembly with good usability despite the compact
dimensions.08 pitch.
Our wide, applications-based product line includes PCB terminals and connectors, feed-through terminals, and electronics
housings for industrial applications with emphases signal processing and power electronics.
• A connection the PCB that complies for SMT and wave soldering process. Our global design-in support provides the perfect connection
between products and services.
• Compact, strong, all-purpose: connections 3.81 pitch; widest usage range 5.
OMNIMATE device connectivity and electronics housings from Weidmüller take advantage quality, efficiency and expertise
for reliability and added value over the entire product lifespan.
As pioneering and leading provider device connectivity, Weidmüller supports the entire design-in process with deep-rooted
application expertise and proven know-how finding solutions.50 10