Návod k použití časových spínacích přístrojů BZ

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Vydal: Schrack Technik spol. s r.o. Autor: Schrack Technik

Strana 186 z 243

Vámi hledaný text obsahuje tato stránku dokumentu který není autorem určen k veřejnému šíření.

Poznámky redaktora
J Right-hand buttons K Left-hand buttons ith anual switch function in utom atic ode - - E Function displays the two left-hand buttons: A scroll menu V scroll dow menu [x] ct/reje suggestion n/ ct/a cce suggestion + Pressing riefly +1 Pressing long (approx. ■ Flashing texts sym bols require entry. Press reset button ith blunt (pen).2004 16:01 Uhr Sei & 11 OK reset H D C B A i i 2 0 'IC!DC. Display A Function displays the left-hand buttons B hannel status displays C hannel hannel 2 C unication lines time display, M enu items, entry prom pts etc. The date and tim must set again. D Day-of-w eek displa y E rvie ily itching program F isplay sum er/w inte time G tin volta (dots flash) Reserve pow operation (perm anently lit dots) H Function displays the right-hand buttons Buttons I Reset The program are retained the case a reset.DQ I Q F G General information ■ The iddle com unication line shows the ~G selectable menu item.05. sec) return to utom atic ode O selection and ly EDT han request Read ode N not execute com and YES Execute com and DEL Delete .talento3 71/3 72plus-1 11. sec) -5 Function displays the two right-hand buttons: M ENU Exits the utom atic ode and enters the Program ing ode ESC Pressing rie fly one step back Pressing long (approx. sec) 5 Pressing rie fly -1 Pressing long (approx. confirm ith OK, this item activated