Modular Terminal Blocks Catalogue 2012/2013

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Terminals, P-Series (PUSH IN technology) Terminals, Z-Series (Tension clamp technology) Terminals, W-Series, Stud terminals, SAK-Series (Screw connection technology) Shield connection terminals KLBÜ AccessoriesAppendix

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o. Autor: Weidmueller

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Poznámky redaktora
5/4 4AN TNHE Width mm PAP PDK 2. For terminal: Width mm PAP PRV/PPV8 black 1173720000 PRV 8 PAP PRV/PPV8 grey 1211460000 PPV 8 Width mm PAP PRV/PPV4 black 1173750000 PRV 4 PAP PRV/PPV4 grey 1211450000 PPV 4 PAP PRV/PPV4 blue 1268010000 Width mm PAP 2.5/4 dark beige 1934680000 PTR2.5/4 dark beige 1896300000 PDU 2.Support plates and end plates Touch-safe protection With only few exceptions, the last terminal terminal strip must closed off with PAP-type end plate.5/4 3AN PTR 2.5/4/4AN dark beige 1896320000 PDU 2. Ensuring the operating voltage End plates can also used maintain the required clearance and creepage distances, order guarantee the rated voltage for the application.5/4 PHP PNT 2.5/4 3AN Width mm PAP 2.5/4 PPE 2.5/4 dark beige 1919720000 PDK 2. Order No. The corresponding indentations the terminal are used ensure that position follows the identical contours.5/4 3AN BL PPE 2.5/4/3AN blue 1052300000 PDU 2.5/4 BL PDK 2.5/4 PE PDK 2.7 mm PAP PDU16S dark beige 1139910000 PDU 16S PPE 16S Width mm PAP PMAK dark beige 1221360000 PMAK 4 Width mm PAP dark beige 1896290000 PDU 16 PDU BL PPE 16 Width mm PAP PDU6/10 dark beige 1896330000 PDU 6/10 PAP PDU6/10 blue 1049200000 PDU 6/10 BL PPE 6/10 PPE 6/10 3AN Width mm PAP PDU6/10/3AN dark beige 1896340000 PDU 6/10 3AN PDU 6/10 3AN BL Width mm PAP PTR2.5/4/3AN dark beige 1896480000 PDU 2.5/4N-L PDK 2.5/4 BL PNT 2.5/4 2x2 PAP 2.5/4 PTR 2. They can be used, for example, when cross-connections are used side-by-side.5/4V PDK 2.5/4 Width mm PAP 2. End plates must also used within terminal strip when makes use terminals different sizes. The terminals have touch protection.5/4V BL Width mm PAP PDL4 dark beige 1883210000 PDL L/L PDL L/L/PE PDL N/L/PE PDL NT/L PDL NT/L/PE PDL 4/TR/DU/PE PDL 4/TR/DU PDL 4/TR/DU TNHE PDL 4/TR/DU/PE TNHE Width mm PAP PDL4S dark beige 1837070000 PDL4 S/NT/L/PE PDL4 S/L/L PDL S/L PDL4 S/N/L/PE PDL S/N/L PDL S/N PDL4 S/L/L/PE Width mm PHP PNT 2.5/4/3AN dark beige 1934690000 PTR 2.5/4 4AN PTR 2.5/4 PDK 2.5/4 4AN PDU 2. Accessories Support plates and end plates Ordering data Type Colour Qty.5/4 3AN PAP 2.5/4 blue 1049210000 PDU 2.5/4/4AN blue 1052290000 PDU 2.5/4 SO* blue 1916790000 Width mm PHP PNT 6/10 blue 1896100000 PNT 6/10 PHP PNT 6/10 SO* blue 1919710000 Width mm PHP PNT16 blue 1896380000 PNT 16 PHP PNT16 SO* blue 1919690000 Width mm PAP PTL/PSI 6/10 dark beige 1165320000 PSI 6/10 PAP PTL/PSI 6/10 black 1165330000 PTL 6/10 PTD 6/10 *) For vertical installation position B.5/4 blue 1896390000 PNT 2.5/4 4AN Width 2.5/4 3AN TNHE Width mm PAP PTR2. Contour matching The outer dimensions the end plates match the external dimensions the associated terminal.5/4 TNHE Width mm PAP PTR2.5/4 PAP 2.46 B Terminals,P-Series 1282250000 2012/2013 .5/4L-PE PDK 2.5/4 4AN BL PPE 2. This ensures the touch- safe requirement met for live voltage components. Mounting The end plate‘s snap-in pegs allow simply fitted the corresponding terminal.5/4/4AN dark beige 1934700000 PTR 2