Modular Terminal Blocks Catalogue 2012/2013

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Terminals, P-Series (PUSH IN technology) Terminals, Z-Series (Tension clamp technology) Terminals, W-Series, Stud terminals, SAK-Series (Screw connection technology) Shield connection terminals KLBÜ AccessoriesAppendix

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o. Autor: Weidmueller

Strana 534 z 571

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Poznámky redaktora
08 sec 0. Multi wire test for: sec 0,8 600 WDU 2.8 300 WDK 2.5 sec WPE 4 sec 1.5/TR DU-PE/oTNHE WTR 2.6 600 WDU 6 sec 2.8 300 WDU 2.5 sec 600 WDU 4 sec 1.5/BLZ 5.5 WPE 1. • Continuous current rating with two conductors The total current two conductors may not exceed the continuous current rating the modular terminal.5 sec 0.5 300 WDU 1.08/2 sec WDU 50N sec WPE 50N sec WDU 70N sec WPE 70N sec WDK 2.5/1.5 1.5 F sec 0.4 WPE 10 sec WPE 16 sec WPE 35 sec 0..8 300 WPO 4 sec 0.5/DU-PE sec 0.5 WDU 50N WPE 50N WDU 70N WPE 70N WDK 2.5/ZR 2.5 300 WDU 1.5 sec 0.5/BLZ 5.8 300 20/10 WDU 2.8 WPE 2..5 F sec 0. sec 0.5 300 BLZ 5.5/TR DU-PE/oTNHE sec WTR 2.5 1.5 DB 1) Passed with lowered current rating 2) Passed with differing number wires 3) Still work W Technicalappendix W. File E60693 Torque Voltage Current WI Catalog No.22 1282250000 2012/2013 .08 sec 0.8 300 WDK 2.5 WDK 4N WDK PE WDK V WDU 4/ZR WDU 4/ZZ WPE 4/ZR WPE 4/ZZ WTR 4/ZR WTR 4/ZR STB 2.6 WPE 6 sec 2.5/ZZ sec 0.5 sec 0.8 300 WDK 2.5/TR DU/oTNHE WDK 2.5 sec 0. The connection two cables in screwless clamping units forbidden according DIN IEC 60999-1.4 600 WDU 10 sec 600 WDU 16 sec 1000 125 WDU 35 sec 0.5/ZR 2.5/TR DU/oTNHE sec WDK 2.8 300 WDK 2. The continuous current rating the maximum current that modular terminal can accommodate without the temperature rise exceeding K.3 WTL 4/2 STB WTL 4 WTR 4 WTR STB KDKS 1/EN4 KDKS PE/35 MAK 2. The Z-series (tension-clamping) can be used connect two conductors twin wire-end ferrules are used. • Rated voltage The Rated voltage the modular terminal does not change when two conductors are connected properly.5/1. However, necessary connect two conductors with the same cross- section one clamping point, then this is possible with the modular terminals of the W-Series (screw connection).5/ZZ sec 0.5.8 WPE 2.Installation instructions Connecting the terminals Two conductors one clamping point The optimum solution for allocation of individual circuits, labelling and the breakdown into separate functional units best achieved connecting just one conductor every clamping point.3 WTR 4/ZZ WTR /ZZ STB 2