Strana 67 z 162
Poznámky redaktora
the event tha acknow ledge the defect, reserve the right decide hether accept the return the
16. Such goods may disposed the sender's expense.
10. oods dam aged transit will not reimbursed breakage insurance the net invoice ount refused.
defective erchandise return the revocation the purchase contract replace free charge ithin reasonable period credit the reduction the value the goods. The is posal and all possible related costs are buyer's account incurred. Delivery times:
Delivery tim indicated the order confirm ations are largely adhered to; they are, however, not binding.©SONLUX
Conditions sale and delivery
1. Returns are always shipped the risk the custom returning the merchandise. credit will issued for goods returned ithout written declaration sent. grant discount the net value the merchandise invoices are paid advance within days from invoice date. undertake release the retention title our discretion the value the sam exceeds the claims secured 20%.
13. Value added tax will charged separately the applicable rate. pensation for violations material contractual obligations is, however, limited the tract-speci fic, foreseeable dam age unless such dam age caused premeditation gross negligence liability ust assum injury life, limb health. The arranty period limited maxim onths follow ing the transfer risk.
4. The applicable prices the day the order received are used the basis for calculation unless the order question has, exceptionally, been explicitly confirm fixed prices. The aforem entioned regulations not constitute reversal the burden proof the disadvantage the purchaser.
12. Retention title:
Shipped goods remain our property until all outstanding claims against the purchaser have been met full. must notified any defects riting soon they are detected. the event that consent the return, will issue return slip which ust included with the re turn. This does not apply statutory liability obligations, e. Returns will only accepted agreed advance.
5. oods that have already been deli vered may only returned all re-sellable condition and their original packaging. this respect, are deem the nufacturer, and the purchaser shall exem from any obligations arising there from. The purchaser not perm itted pledge transfer the goods security assign them any other means; ust notified diately any seizures third parties other impairm ents goods that are subject retention title. custom ers not re sident Germany: Please note the plem entation the WEEE Directive national legislation.g. are authorised access the purchaser's arehouse com ission agent access the purchaser's arehouse for the purpose inspecting the goods that are subject retention title. the event delayed payment, reserve the right charge default interest rate above the applicable base rate pursuant Section Discount Rate Transition Act. Returns:
Purchasers may only cancel order part whole ith our prior consent. Weights, dimensions, technical specifications and illustrations
have been prepared ith all due care (E&OE) but are not binding since the construction, design and technical specifications our products are constantly changing keep pace ith technical progress. Status: 01. The purchaser already consents assign any claims arising from the re-sale goods subject retention title the vendor and authorises the vendor collect said claims.
8. Packaging:
All products com individually packed. Ver bal special agreem ents are only binding confirm riting ourselves.
7. The purchaser may use the goods that are subject retention title the course normal business operations. All reconditioning, freight and packaging costs must, moreover, borne the purchaser. Claims for damages asserted
by the purchaser are excluded, irrespective the legal grounds hich they are asserted and particular respect any violations tra ctu obligations and impermissible actions. Delivery:
Prices are net factory. the event resale, the purchaser transfers this obligation their contractual partner. pursuant the roduct Liability Act, cases prem editation gross negligence, life, limb health are threatened material contractual obligations violated. reserve the right ship orders parts. Our term and con ditions delivery ply even purchasers exclude the validity the supplier's term and con ditions sale the term and con ditions purchase and not explicitly refute these. processing surcharge Euro will levied orders ith value Euro 250 less. spite the aforem entioned agreem ent, the purchaser remains authorised collect any claims until revoke such authorisation writing. General:
Unless explicitly agreed otherw ise writing, the follow ing term and con di tions sale apply, based the „General Terms and onditions upp ly“ for products and services supplied the electrical industry.
14. Notification defects:
The buyer obliged che incom ing deliveries the tim receipt goods com plete and undamaged. Prices:
The prices indicated the price list are gross per unit factory, excluding value dded tax, and are non-binding.
3. Transfer risk:
The risk transferred the purchaser soon the shipm ent leaves our factory. such cases, reserve the right charge 30% the value the goods partial reimbursement our costs. plaints relating shipped goods will only considered sub it ted within days from receipt the goods. The General Terms and Conditions Supply
for products and services supplied the electrical industry apply. Standard and undamaged goods original packaging will credited maximum 70% the invoiced price. Orders for ediate delivery ith value more than Euro 500 will shipped carriage paid the recipient's central arehouse Germany, including packaging; except hen otherw ise sti pulated our order confirmation. The recipient bears the risk transportation. arranty cannot granted parts and com ponents hich ere supplied custom ers for the purpose production ordered goods. The vendor entitled give notice this assignment. Warranties for defects
can only accepted such defects have dem onstrably been caused circum stances occurring prior the transfer risk. the value order entitles the purchaser carriage paid shipm ent carriage paid shipm ent including packaging, reserve the right ship parts the order later date factory and excluding packaging pro duction-related issues prevent from delivering these items immediately. The packaging included. Upon our request, the purchaser ust notify the btor the assignm ent the claim.
11. Payment terms:
Invoices are payable net and ithout any deductions ithin days from invoice date. The retention title also extends the full value any products created processing, blen ding com bining our goods. Place performance and general court jurisdiction
for deliveries and paym ents and for all other obligations is, ithout exce tion, Sondershausen. Please not hesitate con tact you require copy.
2. the event default, the entire ounts receivable becom due for paym ent immediately.03. ustom ade products, merchandise procured the request the customer, incandescent and fluorescent lamps and electronic switching equipment may not returned. The purchaser ust provide proof substantiate any com plaint.
. Disposal:
N on-private purchasers undertake ensure the disposal the purchased products accordance ith the provisions the German Electrical and Electronic Equipm ent (ElektroG).
9. the event that third parties retain right title goods used the processing, blending com bination ith our goods, acquire title the newly created products the ratio the invoice values the processed goods