METRIX - Měřicí přístroje

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Katalog měřicích přístrojů METRIX - Chauvin Arnoux. Přenosné a stolní digitální multimetry, přenosné a stolní osciloskopy, generátory signálu, RLC metry, dekády RLC, zdroje napětí a příslušenství.

Vydal: GHV Trading, spol. s r.o. Autor: GHV Trading

Strana 96 z 136

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Poznámky redaktora
5 1000 VCATIV Standard leads Set PVC leads (red/black) P01295288Z Insulated straight male plug Insulated straight male plug 15A 1.5 1000 CATIV Set PVC leads with test probes (red/black) Insulated elbowed male plug 15A 1.5 1000 CATIV Set Silicone moulded leads (red/black) P01295453Z Insulated straight male plug Insulated elbowed male plug 15A 1.5 1000 VCATIV Set Silicone moulded leads (red/black) P01295452Z Insulated straight male plug Insulated straight male plug 15A 1.5 600 VCATIV/1000 VCATIII Set PVC leads (red/black) P01295290Z Insulated straight male plug with rear connection Insulated straight male plug mm with rear connection 600 CATIII Leads with built-in test probes Set PVC leads with test probes (red/black) Insulated straight male plug 15A 1.ACCESSORIES For multimeter Leads and accessories Banana measurement leads mm Removable testprobes For CATIV CATIII installations Set moulded testprobes (red/black) Female plug mm- CATIV/ CATII11,000 V For CATII installations and below Set moulded testprobes mm Female plug CATII300 V Set moulded testprobes mm Female plug CATII300 V > P01295454Z > P01295458Z > P01295460Z Measurement leads Moulded Set PVC moulded leads (red/black) M i > P01295450Z Insulated straight male plug Insulated straight male plug 15A, 1.5 -1000 VCATIV Set PVC moulded leads (red/black) P01295451Z Insulated straight male plug Insulated elbowed male plug 15A 1.5 1000 VCATIV Others accessories > P01295455Z > P01295456Z For CATIV CATIII installations Set crocodile clips (red/black) 15A, 1000 CATIV > P01295457Z Set crocodile wire grips (red/black) A, 1000 CATIII > P01102053Z PVC lead AG-1066Z Insulated male BNC Insulated red/black straight male plugs with rear connection 500 CATIII um x- .5 600 VCATIV/1000 CATIII Set PVC leads (red/black) P01295289Z Insulatedstraight maleplug Insulatedelbowed maleplug 15A 1