METRIX - Měřicí přístroje

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Katalog měřicích přístrojů METRIX - Chauvin Arnoux. Přenosné a stolní digitální multimetry, přenosné a stolní osciloskopy, generátory signálu, RLC metry, dekády RLC, zdroje napětí a příslušenství.

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Poznámky redaktora
01 sensor accuracy * Voltage Vdc, max.02 100 mQ TRTD (RTD sensors) -150 +600 0.X 1651 multi-function calibrator Available accessories: see pages 108 To find out ore__ Sales Brochure 906210146 Detailed product brochures can downloaded from www.1 100 kHz P r E y DC Voltage from 200 240 V Current from A AC Voltage from 200 240 V Current from A Frequency from 400 Hz Power factor +1 Phase from 360° Acquisition time in energy mode 10 1,999 s T e s r Thermocouple R, N Ranges from -250 +1,820 °C CRTD sensor Pt 1385, 1392, Ni Ranges from -200 850 °C Multimeter Function VDC (DC voltage) Range 0 V Accuracy 0.1 °C TTC (TC sensors) -250 +1,820 0.01 mV mADC (DC current) 0.metrix.CALIBRATORS / Laboratory Calibrators Specifications C. current mA, input resistance 100 MQ, sensitivity 0. ■■ L ■■ ■a ■a 'mi H • J References order: CX1651 C.005 % R4W (Resistance) .02 mA FREQ (Frequency) kHz 0.X 1651 V lta e DC ranges from 1,000 V AC ranges from 1,000 V C t DC ranges from 1pA A AC ranges from 1pA A R (4-wire set-up) ranges from MQ C (4-wire set-up) ranges from 900 mF Maximum voltage supported by the load: Vpk F y PWM (pos, neg, sym) de 0,1 100 kHz HF (rise time ns) 0.5 100 mV/V Standard state delivery: 1 multi-function calibrator delivered with 1,000 test cables (x2), 1 Option cable adapter (Canon 25/2 BANANA cable adapter, m), 1 Option cable adapter (Canon 25/4 BANANA cable adapter, m), 1 Option cable adapter (adapter for resistance terminals), 232 cable, power cable, spare fuses, test report and operating manual.01 100 MV mVDC (DC voltage) 2,000 0.4 °C SGS (sensor calibre deformation)* depending sensor 0