Their linear technology based toroidal
transformer which halves their weight and improves
their efficiency.POWER SUPPLIES
Laboratory Power Supplies
Variable Power Supplies
AX 501, 502, 503
As well being particularly rugged, these power
supplies are also lightweight, economical and
based the latest technology!
The 501, 502 and 503 laboratory power
supplies with outputs offer electronic
limitation the current the event short-
circuit and temperature control the event of
overload overheating.5 V/5 output the AX
503 can used power logic circuits (TTL/CMOS)
• Compact and lightweight
• Dual-well safety terminals
• earth terminal with reversed polarity avoid
connection errors
Optional specific accessories
AG1041 reverse-polarity earth lead (green/yellow)
A TnrIi-i*L
.7 V-5.5 A
• Coupling the two outputs "tracking" mode
in order adjust them simultaneously (master/slave)
• Adjustable current limitation the 30V outputs
• third adjustable 2.
• Linear technology: stability, low noise,
good response current demand
• Active protection against short-circuits, overloads
and overheating
• Outputs with double insulation relation the
• Series parallel output coupling for generating up
to 2