Katalog měřicích přístrojů METRIX - Chauvin Arnoux. Přenosné a stolní digitální multimetry, přenosné a stolní osciloskopy, generátory signálu, RLC metry, dekády RLC, zdroje napětí a příslušenství.
Poznámky redaktora
Digital Oscilloscopes
Oscilloscopes Connected PC
MTX 1052, MTX 1054
Offering the same performance traditional oscilloscopes, the SCOPEin@BOX models also
have the advantage design compact their prices!
When connected PC, they take full advantage all the performance features (large screen,
unlimited storage capacity, etc.), printing Windows, etc
Communication experts:
• Equipped with USB link and Ethernet with integrated web server
• 100%-programmable using the SCPI standard, delivered with
Labwindows and Labview drivers
• Products designed for integration test benches (19" rack versions)
Optional specific accessories DIFFERENTIAL INPUTS
When used with MTX 1032 dual differential probes, they allow safe, effective measurements sub- 600 CAT III (associated
assemblies not referenced earth equipped with differentiated chassis-earths.), while remaining easy set and use.
With instruments for unprecedented effectiveness (oscilloscope, real
time FFT analyser, harmonic analyser and logger), these high-performance
oscilloscopes are designed for laboratory applications the electronics,
pow electronics and electrical engineering sectors
• 4-channel oscilloscopes, 150 MHz
• Smart Persistence Oscilloscope (SPO) mode for fast acquisition and
smart display
• Resolution doubled its 9-bit converter
• Vertical sensitivity from 250^V/div 100V/div
• Acquisition depth 50,000 points per channel
• Advanced trigger functions (pulse, delay, counting, main/auxiliary chan
nel, fault capture, etc. with the MTX 1032-B casing)
• Takes full advantage the screen's size and high resolution
• Multi-windowing with trace, FFT, zoom and automatic measurements
• "Windows" environment with familiar ergonomics
• Large storage capacity, direct use files Windows (Excel, Word,
images, etc