METRIX - Měřicí přístroje

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Katalog měřicích přístrojů METRIX - Chauvin Arnoux. Přenosné a stolní digitální multimetry, přenosné a stolní osciloskopy, generátory signálu, RLC metry, dekády RLC, zdroje napětí a příslušenství.

Vydal: GHV Trading, spol. s r.o. Autor: GHV Trading

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Poznámky redaktora
fr . Roll mode from 200 200 s/div Memory Depth 50,000 points 4 references + curves (maximum) Depth 50,000 points 4 references + curves (maximum) Reference curves screen curves references Automatic measurements measurements chosen from Automatic phase all types curves Markers and limits Triggering Edge, pulse width time lag, metering, line counter, Hold-off Calculation functions on channels FFT (calculation 2,048 points), “Tailor-made” functions editor SPO (Smart Persistence Oscilloscope) Duration persistence 100 ms, 200 ms, 500 ms, and infinite Display monochrome colour Acquisition rate kwaveforms/s/channel Number samples acquired MS/s/channel Harmonic analyser Analysis range orders, simultaneously channels fundamental from kHz 31 orders simultaneously channels fundamental from kHz Operation Permanent display: total RMS value THD Order selected: %F, phase, freq.Specificationstechniques MTX 3252 SPO MTX 3352 SPO MTX 3354 SPO Quick selection Bandwidth MHz 100 MHz 150 MHz Number and type channels channels, class channels, class 1 Safety according IEC61010 Cat., Vrms Digital recorder Acquisition rate Sampling interval s Recording duration days Acquisition mode Conditions thresholds window channels - “Normal” acquisition 250 “faults” Conditions thresholds or window channels - “Normal” acquisition or 250 “faults” Analysis recordings Time-stamped recordings, conversion and units physical quantities, measurements using cursors and event search, file format compatible with standard spreadsheet software General specifications Operator control “Windows- like” on-line help all commands available via mouse Front panel controls controls encoder direct access and shortcuts “?” multilingual help key Communication (depending model) RS232 and Centronics, Ethernet, HTML server RS232 and Centronics, USB Ethernet, HTML server Dimensions/Weight 210 177 200 2.5 100 V/div + “Winzoom” vertical expansion x (maximum sensitivity 250 ^V/div) Time base 200 s/div. 300 Cat.metrix. 300 V Sampling per channel 200 MS/s one-shot mode channels) 200 MS/s one-shot mode channels) 100 MS/s one-shot mode channels) 100 MS/s one-shot mode channels) 100 GS/s repetitive mode Recording time min s Vertical resolution bits Display mode 8x10 divisions Vectors, interpolation, persistence (envelope), averaging Probe factor Scaling choice unit (“Windows” virtual keyboard) Digital oscilloscope Input sensitivity 2.5 kg “Standard” state delivery: MTX 3252: MTX, mains lead, probes 1/1-1/10 200 MHz, PS2 mouse, mouse mat MTX 3352: MTX, mains lead, probes 1/1-1/10 200 MHz, RJ45 crossed lead, USB cable MTX 3354: MTX, mains lead, probes 1/1-1/10 200 MHz, PS2 mouse, 1mouse mat, RJ45 straight lead, RJ45 crossed lead USB cable References order: MTX3354E-C: Digital oscilloscope 4x150MHz, color, Ethernet MTX3354E-CK: MTX3354E-C SX-METRO/P MTX3252BE-C: Digital oscilloscope 2x60MHz, color, Ethernet MTX3352BE-C: Digital oscilloscope 2x100MHz, color, Ethernet MTX3252BED: MTX3252BE-C differential probe MTX1032-B MTX3352BED: MTX3352BE-C differential probe MTX1032-C Available accessories: find out ore__ see pages 108 Sales Brochure 906210055 Detailed product brochures can downloaded from www