METRIX - Měřicí přístroje

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Katalog měřicích přístrojů METRIX - Chauvin Arnoux. Přenosné a stolní digitální multimetry, přenosné a stolní osciloskopy, generátory signálu, RLC metry, dekády RLC, zdroje napětí a příslušenství.

Vydal: GHV Trading, spol. s r.o. Autor: GHV Trading

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Poznámky redaktora
A specific measurement area can selected framing it with the manual cursors, controlled the dedicated key, or with the stylus the touch screen, for greater reliability and accuracy.000 s 0 000 3 115 2ms 1. • Printing network printers • Remote management • File exchange FTP server directly Windows The 6000 models are upgradable, benefiting from updates with new functions available for download free charge from our support site: www.4mV P= 1 V9mp= 585. • Improved dynamic range. • Calculated 2,500 points, the FFT analysis can set automatically with the Autoset key.8m - T\Anoy= 23.'i ruefiioire cie reference OK « x Communication The OX6000 models with their ETHERNET interface (10 MB transfer) and Web server support new working methods. com/support i_ Reseau (00 e-2 ) 17 fournie served DHCP d A ttiX g lm primante(q »wv»ur IP i [T” [5ČT [i- norrt | .0m3 - 1 FFT “ 10:18r Eo. • The Winzoom function shows all the points acquired for more precise analysis.13m N« Dep+« 274.OSCILLOSCOPES Digital Oscilloscopes General-purpose Digital Oscilloscopes OX 6062, 6152, 6202 Advantages 10-bit Conversion With the graphic "Winzoom" function, users can take full advantage the vertical resolution provided the 10-bit converter, which times greater than with classic 8-bit converter. • 4-digit resolution for automatic and cursor measurements. • Optimum accuracy for frequency and amplitude measurements.0% Dep-= i“ Sum= 789mVs 0. <- A a □ M Available accessories: see pages 108 umlmx- .chauvin-arnoux.00 V 1 272 0% ^ ch4~ 1 V 50.9mV F» r Vfeff- 893.00 V ^ math2 1 V i| J math3 1. Comprehensive automatic measurements For given signal, users can select the required parameters among automatic measurements. The zoom The FFT analyser 4-digits resolution P)M$SMUA* ill! 4 1 Trace Mesures automatiques |til ? j chi ~ V \Anin« 844 Tm» ^ 1“ V*ňax^ 945 Td= * W \*>p= 789 L+ r Vbas= -250 5mV L-= r Vhaut= 335