METRIX - Měřicí přístroje

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Katalog měřicích přístrojů METRIX - Chauvin Arnoux. Přenosné a stolní digitální multimetry, přenosné a stolní osciloskopy, generátory signálu, RLC metry, dekády RLC, zdroje napětí a příslušenství.

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Poznámky redaktora
54:32 Detailed product brochures can downloaded from . It possible view the harmonic analyses two four channels simultaneously Multimeter mode: monitoring measurements The fault can set from approximately days.1501 0062 V - — | — Effic«*nent Erwq* TXT | m Vert More Afrtch Mesve Memoire Uti ? Dedenchement Source Type Niveau1 Nryeau2 duree► Chi |Sup*neur aj*]| 123V \ H Ch2 iAucun \ Ch3 |Aucun i CM^xtefieur 1213V -■J-427V '00 ř\ HX0033 Probix banana adapter HX0030A 1/10 voltage probe 250 MHz “Standard” state delivery: 1 OX, mains adapter/charger, NiMH 9,6V-3,8 A/h battery pack, 1/10 Probix probe, banana-Probix adapter, set banana leads, crossed Ethernet cable, USB cable, |jSD-card with SD-card adapter, magnetic stylus, operating and programming manual References order: : OX7042-MSD: oscilloscope, monochrome screen, MHz OX7042-CSD: oscilloscope, colour screen, MHz OX7104-CSD: oscilloscope, colour screen, 100 MHz To find out ore__ Sales Brochure 906210217 Available accessories: see pages 108 CH2ac+dc F« OOOkH, Wert Dec! Horiz Afflcn Meswe Mímore » Cwmv<I > 09. This function helps improve analytical performance and above all allows measurement when the level harmonic order greater than the level the fundamental. J Frequence Štítní***5 Modi RHartif - N° DateJM«*« ď*cq Source Me*** 1 2107. This list can saved ".metrix.OSCILLOSCOPES Oscilloscopes with Isolated Channels Scopix Industrial Maintenance OX 7042, 7104 Harmonic Analyser mode Harmonic analysis performed the 61st order order meet the requirements the 50160 standard (THD minimum orders), with fundamental frequency between and 450 Hz. All the faults captured (several thousand can stored the card) can be recalled using the Scopix menus. possible preselect the frequency the fundamental for the standards (50 Hz, and 400 Hz). The list time/date-stamped faults indicates the source and the result f the measurement.txt" format.15 0062 V 2 2307,15 0062 V 3 2307