METRIX - Měřicí přístroje

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Katalog měřicích přístrojů METRIX - Chauvin Arnoux. Přenosné a stolní digitální multimetry, přenosné a stolní osciloskopy, generátory signálu, RLC metry, dekády RLC, zdroje napětí a příslušenství.

Vydal: GHV Trading, spol. s r.o. Autor: GHV Trading

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Poznámky redaktora
5 kg Accessories supplied mains power lead, operating manual probes, mains power lead, (S version with probes also available) operating manual | I] 1 o irmlmxu To find out ore_ Sales Brochure 906110814 . Q) L OX 530 • Simple and complete » -STT , O- l OX 803B • The ideal basic instrument • Bandwidth MHz channels • Alternate triggering optimize display stability all cases OX 863B • Integrated READOUT function • Bandwidth 150 MHz channels • Alternate triggering optimize display stability all cases Standard state delivery: 1 OX, main supply lead, user manual References order: OX0530: 530 oscilloscope OX0530-S: 0X0530 probes OX0803B: 803B oscilloscope OX0830BS: 0X0803B+2 probes OX0863B: 863B oscilloscope probes Available accessories: see pages 108 Specifications 530 803B 863B Quick selection Bandwidth 30/35 MHz MHz 150 MHz Number channels 2 Safety according IEC 61010 Class Cat. 300 Class Cat.5 435 330 163 6.Analogue oscilloscopes OSCILLOSCOPES Analogue oscilloscopes OX 530, 803B, 863B Analogue oscilloscopes remain ideal instruments for qualitative analysis and for viewing a signal’s waveform function time. These instruments are managed microprocessor and offer AUTOSET automatic adjustment function well alternate triggering.3 435 330 163 5. 400 V Input sensitivity V/div V/div V/div Operating modes CH1, CH2, ALT, CHOP auto, ADD, -CH2, XY CH1, CH2, ALT, CHOP, ADD, -CH2, XY, component test CH1, CH2, ALT, CHOP, ADD, -CH2, XY Time base delay 2 Sweep speed 200 ms/div 100 ms/div Triggering CH1, CH2, ALT, EXT, LINE AUTOTEST function SMART AUTOSET Special features Saving settings, check on user choices by microprocessor, Display of selections LED Component test counting Integrated video line cursors and READOUT Automatic and cursor measurements - AV, AT, 1/AAT, q> General specifications Digital link RS232 available option Power supply 264 (48/440 Hz) Dimensions 435 330 163 5