However, the products that really made the brand's
reputation were the MX460, launchedin 1950, andmoreparticularly, the MX
462 multimeter, which was successful that "Metrix® "became thegeneric
name for multimeters France, enabling the company grow very fast. 1946, changed its
name "Compagnie Générale Métrologie" (General Metrology Company)
and began marketing its products under the Metrix brand..
Itsmain business wasmanufacturingportable "lampmeters" forcheckingthe
valves usedin the radioelectricitysector, which was growing fast the time.
This company enjoyed considerable growth during the years economic
expansion following the Second World War.INTRODUCTION
History Values
Technological Breakthroughs and Patented Discoveries
As French brand known nationwide generations electricians and electronic engineers, to
the point becoming the generic name for multimeters France, Metrix® Chauvin Arnoux's
flagship brand electronics for multimeters, oscilloscopes, power supplies and generators.
1950: launch the 460..
n ®
MTX 3283
Thelaunch the "electro-clamp", allowing users check voltages without
disconnecting andmeasure high currents with one hand, and theproduction
of oscilloscopes from 1948 onwards helped quickly expand the
company's offering.
The Engineering Department and R&D teams are still based the site Annecy-le-Vieux, but
they can now take full advantage the high-performance industrialization tools the Group's
production sites Normandy.and the 400 electro-clamp
With the rising demand for electrical and electronic measurement equipment,
CARTEXquickly became majorplayer this sector, with products such as
the lampmeter, testers and frequency generators..
Metrix: from the lampmeter, the electro-clamp
and oscilloscopes "the Metrix"
In 1936, Georges Friédrichs founded small company named CARTEX.