METRIX - Měřicí přístroje

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Katalog měřicích přístrojů METRIX - Chauvin Arnoux. Přenosné a stolní digitální multimetry, přenosné a stolní osciloskopy, generátory signálu, RLC metry, dekády RLC, zdroje napětí a příslušenství.

Vydal: GHV Trading, spol. s r.o. Autor: GHV Trading

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Poznámky redaktora
2 s/d iv • Auto, Norm al, TV-V and TV-H triggering • External trigg and odulation inputs To order X03002B r j 4 0 ex.1 s/div 0. VAT Multimeter Frequency eter ith autom atic ranges MHz Sine, square and triangle signal waveform ith adjustable duty cycle 6 green LED frequency display Rise tim 120 and TTL output A plitude /-1 Vp-p, offset VDC (in open circu it) Internal linear sweep with adjustable tim between and s Adjustable TTL and CMOS outputs, external wobble modulation input To order XG2102 € 2 5 ex. VAT oscilloscopes XO 3002 B ^ Dual-channel MHz analogue oscilloscope 4 CH1, CH2, ADD, ALT, CHOP and display modes Built-in probe calibrator • Good protection the inputs, 400 and peak • Vertical sensitivity from (x5 expansion) • Tim base from 0. fr € .05% • Voltage ranges from 1,000 /750 AC • Current ranges from DC/AC • Resistance ranges from MQ • Frequency easurem ents 200 kHz • Audible tin uity and diode tests To order :XM2101 J 3 9 ex.1 s/d iv • display ode MHz • Auto, Norm and triggering MHz • External trigg input • Probe calibration signal output To order X4010 J 2 5 ex.2 MHz function generator 0.02 MHz function generator Sine, square and triangle signal aveform ith adjustable duty cycle A plitude /-2 Vp-p, offset VDC (in open circuit) One fixed attenuator Separate TTL output, external wobble odulation input Rise tim 100 and TTL output To order XG2101 J € 2 9 ex.multimetrix.Multimetrix ® Generators XG 2101 2102 0. VAT www. VAT XM 2101 20,000-count multimeter with red LED display • VDC basic accuracy . VAT X 4010 ¥ Single-channel MHz analogue oscilloscope • Traditional ergonom ics, identical standard 2-channel oscilloscopes • Vertical sensitivity from and expansion • Tim base from 100 0