METRIX - Měřicí přístroje

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Katalog měřicích přístrojů METRIX - Chauvin Arnoux. Přenosné a stolní digitální multimetry, přenosné a stolní osciloskopy, generátory signálu, RLC metry, dekády RLC, zdroje napětí a příslušenství.

Vydal: GHV Trading, spol. s r.o. Autor: GHV Trading

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Poznámky redaktora
To P06231405 6 9 Digital : tachometer RPM 82 • Operation ith ith contact • Accuracy: 0.95 • easurem ent range: -20 +270 °C • Resolution: °C • Accuracy: ±2.05 1. .multimetrix. VAT j To P06230801 r j € 79 ex.999.Environmental Measurements Multi-purpose digital multimeter with measurement physical quantities DMM 107 ^ complete 4,000-count multimeter: B acklighting A utom atic anual ranges V ranges from 600 V V 400 600 V I ranges from A Basic accuracy: 0.99 rpm linear speed: 0.7 % Relative easurem ents, DATA HOLD Resistance: ranges from MQ Capacitance: ranges from 200 |jF Frequency: ranges from 100 kHz Duty cycle, continuity ith buzzer, diode test J Ambient environment measurement well: • Tem perature (supplied w ith couple) • idity % • Lighting level (source incandescente) : 4 and .9 in J Automatic calibre selection J MAX, MIN, HOLD Dimensions weight : 160 300 g Supplied with battery, carrying case, contact measurement adapter, tapered adapter, tubular adapter, wheel for linear speed, reflective stickers.5 rpm . VAT r 1 www.5 °CC ■L Choice of measurement I units Dimensions eight: 94 g Supplied with battery and 1 wrist strap S usB temperature and humidity recorder DL 53 • ,00 ory : 16.05 count • Rotation speed and linear speed rotation ith contact: 0. VAT To order P06236902 r j € 9 9 ex.000 readings from 40°C 70°C 16.00 Lux ranges • Sound level: 100 dB Dimensions eight: 158 260 g Supplied with carrying bag, 1 set red/black test-probe leads, 1 couple for multimeter, V battery (6F22). VAT No-contact infrared thermometer TM 65 • Targeting range: /1 • issivity 0.000 readings from 100% RH • ide range recording intervals • Easily adjustable alarm s • overrun indicator LEDs • Sim ple connection ith USB Compact Customizable Easy use Dimensions weight 101.5 rpm 19,999 rpm rotation ith contact: 2.5 g Supplied with software CD-Rom, protective cover, stick-on screw on support (screws supplied), lithium battery To order P06236401 r € 59 ex