METRIX - Měřicí přístroje

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Katalog měřicích přístrojů METRIX - Chauvin Arnoux. Přenosné a stolní digitální multimetry, přenosné a stolní osciloskopy, generátory signálu, RLC metry, dekády RLC, zdroje napětí a příslušenství.

Vydal: GHV Trading, spol. s r.o. Autor: GHV Trading

Strana 125 z 136

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Poznámky redaktora
VAT DMM 220 To order P06231411 r j € 8 5 ex.01 1000 0.99 % Calibre selection Autorange Manual Other features Automatic shutdown (deactivatable) Relative mode MIN, MAX Automatic shutdown (deactivatable) Relative mode MIN, MAX, PEAK ms) Ingress protection 67 Safety 600 Cat.1 mV Ranges 600 600 MQ 400 400 / 40 MQ Resislalice ■ Basic accuracy 0.001 10. 1000 Cat. VAT DMM 230 To P06231412 j € 1 9 ex. VAT www.00 400.0 counts Best resolution 0. Accessories supplied Battery, test-probe lead Battery, test-probe lead adapter for thermocouple + type temperature probe DMM 210 To P06231410 r j € 75ex. VAT DMM 240 To order P06231413 r j € 1 9 ex.00 MHz 0.Digital multimeters ;b; I \ — DMM 210 DMM 220 DMM 230 DMM 240 * • # * Display 6,000 counts Backlit with bargraph 40. III according IEC 61010 Dimensions weight 187 342 approx.00 40.00 400.5 counts Best resolution 0.00 MHz Duty cycle 0.06 counts Best resolution 0.000 counts Backlit with bargraph Measurement type Average RMS Bandwidth kHz kHz Ranges 600 |JA 6000 |JA 600 A 400 4000 400 / 10 (20 max.1 .) 400 4000 400 / 10 (20 max.3 counts Best resolution 0.multimetrix.01 mV Ranges 600 1000 400 400 1000 V Vac Basic accuracy 1.01 Q Audible continuity Yes 0.01 jA 4-20 125 % Ranges 600 6000 600 (20 max.1 Q Diode test Yes Capacitance 0.09 counts 0.1 0.) I Basic accuracy 1.) Basic accuracy 1.001 100.00 Hz Electronic 0.001 mF Temperature thermocouple) +750 +1000 °C Electrical 10.1 0.1 jA Ranges 600 600 1000 400 400 1000 V V Basic accuracy 0.1 0.0 counts Best resolution 0