METRIX - Měřicí přístroje

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Katalog měřicích přístrojů METRIX - Chauvin Arnoux. Přenosné a stolní digitální multimetry, přenosné a stolní osciloskopy, generátory signálu, RLC metry, dekády RLC, zdroje napětí a příslušenství.

Vydal: GHV Trading, spol. s r.o. Autor: GHV Trading

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Poznámky redaktora
VAT www.i n Continuity Threshold 400 n (with buzzer) Protection 300 Vrmg Vrmg Diode test Yes Other features a ld Automatic shutdown (deactivatable buzzer min) AUTO RANGE, HOLD Automatic shutdown Power supply 44 Dimensions weight 117 110 130 j.1 V Ranges 200 / 200 Mn Resistance Basic accuracy % Best resolution 0. Safety 300 Cat. (IEC 61010) ■CEf Accessories supplied Red and black built-in leads, button cell batteries I DMM10 th Hands-free operation and stable measurements • Select . VAT DMM12 To P06231003 J J € 25.90 ex.^ Multimeters Multimetrix Pocket multimeters thick DMM 10 > 1 DMM J Display 4,000 counts Measurement type Average Ranges tic and anual tic Ranges 400 400 600 400 600 V V Basic accuracy 0.1 n Continuity Threshold — (with buzzer) Protection 250 s Diode test Yes Other features Battery test 1. • soon the easurem ent stable, the buzzer sounds.1 0. III Accessories supplied 1 sheath, set red/black test-probe leads and battery DMM 105 To P06231401 \ r j 2 90 ex. (IEC 61010) 600 Cat. • Measure.7 % Best resolution 0. 300 Cat.5 (AA) (6F22) Power supply 6F22 Dimensions weight 145 500 g Safety 600 Cat. Read the value.1 mV Ranges 200 750 V V Basic accuracy % Best resolution 0. VAT Digital multimeters DMM 105 Display 2,000 counts Measurement type Average Ranges anual Ranges 200 (jA 2,000 (jA 200 A I Basic accuracy % Best resolution 0.8 % Best resolution 0.1 jA Ranges —I Basic accuracy Best resolution Ranges 200 200 000 V V Basic accuracy 0.001 V Ranges 400 400 Mn Resistance Basic accuracy % Best resolution o.multimetrix. To P06231001 r 3 9 ex.001 V Ranges 400 600 V V Basic accuracy % Best resolution 0