METRIX - Měřicí přístroje

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Katalog měřicích přístrojů METRIX - Chauvin Arnoux. Přenosné a stolní digitální multimetry, přenosné a stolní osciloskopy, generátory signálu, RLC metry, dekády RLC, zdroje napětí a příslušenství.

Vydal: GHV Trading, spol. s r.o. Autor: GHV Trading

Strana 12 z 136

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Poznámky redaktora
The VX0003 and VX0100 testers are easy-to-use, economical and trustworthy! They are used mainly when testing new renovated electrical installations and technical and vocational training. The 0003 and 0100 field testers/meters instantaneously indicate the level the low-frequency electric field. Ideal for the residential and tertiary sectors, they can used both professionals and DIY enthusiasts.U cud • Audible alarm for immediate identification the field levels • Testing accordance with the current and future standards and directives Measure your exposure electromagnetic pollution in your home office.TESTERS LF Electric Field Testers VX Family VX 0003, 0100 MH?FfLlER flCCTRIC *•€10Tf5T««tiecnwc T«T€* Optional specific accessories For the 0100: - rod P01102084 - rod adapter P01102034 - HX0104 bag For the 0003 - HX0009 case umlmx- o ? tnoc v/mI U. • Test the pollution generated electrical power distribution (0-3 kHz) (VX0003/VX0100) • Test the pollution generated the equipment connected (3-100 kHz) (VX0100) • complementary methods for more effective measurements -Representative method: field measurement while taking the individual's presence into account -Traditional method: fields referenced earth • External antenna for field measurement and cable detection (VX0100)