3 output verification
9 tio n
• Connect standard multimeter the M550 4/2W output terminals. Connect themas follows:
Standard multimeter_________________M550
V cur
COM cur
+SENSE cur
- SENSE cur
• Use four terminal connection, set the most accurate mode four terminal resistance measurement the
multimeter, TRUE RMS mode.
• Set SHORT position M550 and make ZERO correction the standard multimeter.05 81/2 dig multimeter DC
10 Rcal +/- 0. Use four single banana- banana test
leads.where Ccaiis Cpcalibration value frequency 1kHz, mode CORR ON. the adapter not
available, use connection according following picture.
• Set mode M550. Use Kelvin cable adapter from
standard LCR meter accessory.
• Measure the partial resistance standards ofthe M550 from 1Wto MW.
Standard LCR
meter terminals
to M550
Fig.0 Rcal +/- 0.05 81/2 dig multimeter DC
100 Rcal +/- 0.
• Measured values should within limits follows (Rcal calibration value 1kHz):
Nominal value Resistancelimits Standard Testfrequency
W Hz
MEATEST_____________________________________________________________ M550Impedance Calibrator
9. Standard LCR meter connection for capacitance standard verification
Operation manual 37
.1 81/2 dig multimeter DC
1 Rcal +/- 81/2 dig multimeter DC
10 Rcal +/- 81/2 dig multimeter DC
100 Rcal +/- 100 81/2 dig multimeter DC
1M Rcal +/- 81/2 dig multimeter DC
10 Rcal +/- 81/2 dig multimeter DC
Tab. Resistance verification test
9 ita tio n
• Connect standard LCR meter the M550 4/2W output terminals. Connect the clips HCURand LCURterminals