values are saved mem ory always after pushing the soft button Write.
E tio sta rin its lib tio n
s lib tio s
C rre (i.
W lib tio fin tto titiv til lib tio n
is isp .
• litu fre lib lta its.) ith tio (iii.2012
FUNC: Rp-Cp FREQ: 000 kHz
Discrete standard calibration
Full calibration
Res istance bank 4TP
Select Freq Date Urite Exit
Operation manual SS
• ite . Full calibration
Note: Calibration process can interrupted any point the calibration procedure.
ii.).01 . sta lib tio sta e
ty . itc N
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10kn Cali bration
LAST CALIBRATION DATE: 16.MEATEST M550 Impedance Calibrator
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th tto lib tio .
S fre lib tio rtia sta r
a tio lib lib tio tru tto .
E lib tio ith firm ith tto n
W lib tio . on't calibration secondary values is
really not necessary.
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is isp .
Note: Frequency dependency fpartial standards has been calibrated during production. given ostly by
design internal blocks and applied components.
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