Note: 550 output terminals are loaded with 100 kOhm resistor during process measurement.
c) fin isp fre lta rre are
fro lib tio rre fre isp tic lly . can
display non-correct readings during this time.
e) tto itc .
f) ith isp lib tio lib r.
d) tto fre y
e) tto itc .
Note: Correction function and reference positions SHORT/OPEN are not available mode.
e) fre fre e
e lly tto ric .
Operation manual 28
f) tru tio tio rre tio n
d) lta fre e
(a ste “-------“ isp r
c fre rig e
b rin sta rte .
b) fre r
c) tto .
b) lta lin tin l
m isp e
m s.
Note: Anytime frequency can set anually except period when eter proceeding measurement. When calibrating low impedance values, test current sourced not create
enough high voltage selected standard easured 550 calibrator.
Note: Test signal level eter works frequency range band 100 and for test voltage higher
than 200 mVrn]s.
7.4 Application fsignal level meter
T lta fre ire tly is
a tiv tiv tio .
a) tto rts sig l.MEATEST M550 Impedance Calibrator
ii) rfo rre tio n
d) tto lib l.3 LCR meter calibration with two terminal connection (2W)
a) lib sin 0
4 CUR, CUR) rre tly