eter nom inal input impedance 100 .MEATEST M550 Impedance Calibrator
Note: Calibration values selected partial standard shown the display are not valid during period when
m eter connected the output terminals. d
s ire itc all .7 Z/Y switch
C lib fro rtia sta lib tio fre in
s rs.8 Meter operation
B tto ste tto fie ltm rily
a tiv fte tto d
to cur cur rin tim fro -
L isp liv fre lta rre t.
M tio ite .e.6 External input
T lib itio e
e sta lib lib fro .
Operation manual 24
T sta tic lib tio s. liz lib tio isp in
e tia ith |Z| itta ~J6.
R sid itio ifie ific tio T
p ifie .
T sim lify lib tio lib ith sitio s
e lin tio ith tio itio e
b tto rte r
4 lib isp isp .
In tio ,
e ith ls.
6. tto tio n
fro itta .
M isp lly rin rio e
tim fro ria lib tio e
s rtia sta fre isp sig fre rin g
c tto fre lly .5 SHORT/ OPEN
S rre tio tly lie tio in
lo ).
Note: When OPEN corrections are selected internal signal level eter readings are not available.
P sta ritte tio l
c fro rra r-te i.