Poznámky redaktora
Non correct interconnection the coaxial test cables results sensitivity mutual position all four
test cables result fmeasurement, typically frequencies above 100 kHz. Do
not allow any other connection the shielding conductors !
Note: Some types LCR meters and impedance analyzers not eet requirements ffour terminal pair
principle, especially connection shielding conductors. Principle 4TP test lead connection
T irc tru t’s cur re
iso tin rre t
lo sig rre flo cur e
in cur sig e
L cur cur rre flo ite ire tio rs
o tic flu lle r
s (e). lt, lin lim P
c fig tio d
b fig tio fig tio tric tly tio t
o .MEATEST M550 Impedance Calibrator
l cur pot pot cur
Operation manual 18
U lib st, fig. the shielding conductors are not interconnected properly, accurate loop current does
not flow through the cables and, result, the easurement range will limited, some cases,
measurements cannot made. 7.
Note: Shielding conductors the coaxial test cables ust connected neither each other nor ground
potential GND.
Shielding conductors the front panel BNC connectors are interconnected inside the calibrator. This can result unexpected deviations f
impedance measurements higher frequencies, typically above 100 kHz