MEATEST: Uživatelské příručky kalibračních měřidel

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Poznámky redaktora
r. Query: HVC? Returns the name the selected resistance.[SOURce] :HVC[:LEV](?) <CPD> } Description: This command selects one three discrete capacitance closest the value specified DNPD.o. Example: PSP:RES01.25E+7 PSP mode set 12. 46 UserManual . Parameters: <CPD> sets capacitor 1 sets capacitor 2 sets capacitor Example: HVC High voltage capacitance with 10nF. M191 Insulation Tester Calibrator________________________________________ MEATEST, s. analogyforR1, R2, R3 [SOURce] PSP:TTIM(?) <DNPD> Description: This command sets value T1. Query: HVC:VOLT? [SOURce] PSP:TOT? Description: This command returns measure total time. Example: PSP:TTIM1 PSP mode set 56seconds Query: PSP: TTIM1? Returns the value the T1. Query: PSP:TOT? [SOURce] PSP:VOLT? Description: This command returns the measured voltage the output terminals. [SOURce] HVC:VOLT? Description: This command returns the measured voltage the output terminals. Parameters: <DNPD> Resistance value ohms. Query: PSP:VOLT? [SOURce] PSP:RES0(?) <DNPD> Description: This command sets value R0.5MQ Query: PSP:RES0? Returns the value the R0. Parameters: <DNPD> Time value seconds